
Is Global Warming the main thing that is affecting us or not?

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  1. andy

    Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live 100% off of the grid and are completely self-sufficient with a 0% Carbon footprint. I believe this is the first step anyone can make “help the environment”. Once you convert your own life style to a greener more eco friendly route, you can start helping others.

    We definitely didn't start global warming, but we definitely do contribute to it now.

    Natural gas (or Methane along with other thanes) for example, is completely a natural contributer to global warming and is derived pretty much the same way as oil. ie. Matter (animal, plant etc) decomposes over time resulting in a anaerobic (hope I spelled that right) decay of non-fossil organic material / gas (natural gas or methane).

    One problem with global warming is that the concept is so vague in the minds of the people. The critical interpretation is basically how it’s explained in school and the news. However most of the public see global warming connected with the ozone and pollutants which cause harmful greenhouse gasses, etc. therefore investigating and fighting for things like alternative energy (ie. Solar, wind, hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel, etc)

    Greenhouse gases are real and do contribute to global warming. Think of the different gas layers like ozone (o3) that circumference the globe as the clear plastic on a greenhouse. Longer rays of light from the Sun go in and reflect off different thermal masses bouncing back and creating shorter lengths of energy that cannot exist the plastic barrier. These beams then just continue to bounce around inside the green house until they’re finally absorbed completely (some do escape but very few), thereby warming the greenhouse greatly even in cold temperatures.

    Basically there are 2 ways that this reaction (or lack of) affects the planet. Global warming and global cooling.

    1. as we add to the gases in the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is (Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc), we add to the plastic of the greenhouse, trapping more short wave length energy and heating the earth more.

    2. as we deplete the ozone (with chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs), we allow more long wave length energy, which bounces back out to space without heating any thermal masses on earth, thereby cooling the planet.

    It’s pretty easy to see the results..

    Melting ice sheets & glaciers

    Floods & droughts

    Great hurricanes & cyclones

    Seasonal extremes

    Seasonal phenomena’s

    Species extinction

    New & resurgent diseases

    There are many ways to stop both global warming and cooling from accruing or at least slow them down until we can discover a way to reverse it, but Stop burning fossil fuels is the biggest.

    I currently own 2 converted h2 vehicles which run on 100% hydrogen and 1 EV (electric vehicle), not to mention our home is completely off the grid, using alternative energy (solar, wind, etc)

    If you interested I offer several DIY alternative guides to walk you step by step threw Greener living, how to run your car on alternative fuels and being self-sufficient, at agua-luna com or

    www agua-luna com

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at  www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:  

    www agua-luna com

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  2. People that struggle with survival on a daily basis won't notice much change, they'll still be struggling. The developed countries on the other hand have economies that may not be able to take massive crop failures. If your food production grinds to a halt and/or your currency fails, our focus will quickly boil down to one of survival.

    It's a future issue that is not the main one affecting us now, but it could be one in the future.  The problem is that by the time that's crystal clear to everyone, it may be too late to do much about.

    So it's a major future issue that is being affected now (influenced and either mitigated or not).

  3. At this point no one can prove or disprove that humans affect the earths climate more than natural processes.  However, it is pretty obvious and has been proved many times that everywhere humans have settled there has been a loss of natural habitat and in many cases regional weather has been changed.  

    I think humans have began to affect global climate.  One example I like to use is one that relates to the natural cycle of organic materials and fossil fuels.  Humans are probably disrupting the natural cycle of carbon on the surface of the earth by releasing carbon from fossil fuel. If there is a natural cycle for decomposed organic material(carbon based) to work its way down into the earth, turn into crude oil,  and gradually be released again via volcanoes or what ever than it makes sense that humans are releasing carbon out of cycle by drilling for and burning fossil fuel.  If this is the case, we are amplifying carbons impact on the surface of the earth; therefore humans would be causing the condition we have labeled "global warming".

    I think many first world citizens are lazy and unwilling to consider their impact on the environment, or they are disrespectful toward people who prefer to live in a sustained natural environment with.  I believe capitalism is possible in an environmentally neutral society if there is collaboration between business and more control of personal greed.

    Look around online for renewable sources of energy like geo-thermal heating, solar shingles and windmills for individual consumers.  The cost of a lot of these things are fractions of the cost of building a new house.  I would like to see more commercial and personal consumers take advantage of these resources.

  4. When I watch the news reporting on election polls it amazes me that the enviroment is not at the top of peoples list of what issues are important to them.  

      Global warming is one of many ways that we are effecting our environment with disastrous results.

    Jacques Cousteau said back in the 70s that the oceans would be dead in 20 years.  His estimate was perhaps slightly short on the time frame, but not by much.  Our oceans are in deep trouble.  Most fish stocks are depleted by 90%  Only 1% of many whale species survive.  The oceans are full of microscopic pieces of plastic that are being ingested by algae at the bottom of the food chain.

    Fish at the top of the food chain are full of mercury.  How many large oil spills wil it take before the oceans can't rebound from their effects?  

      There are alarming environmental issues everywhere we look.  Our western industrialized, chemical heavy agriculture increases crop yields over the short term but is destroying the topsoils over the long term.  And the runoff from farming is harming our water supply and the fish.  

      We have improved the situation with the protective ozone layer by banning the chemicals responsibe in aerosol propellents etc. The hole in the ozone layer has shrunk.  This has been a positive change but the problem still exists. In some countries these chemical are still used.

      We are destroying the last large intact ecosystem in north america, which is the vast Boreal forest of Canada.  Much of this is being done to make paper catalogues for consumers.

      The Boreal forest is being broken up into segments too small to consitute true ecosystems.

    We could alleviate this by making paper out of hemp instead of trees.  Trees are singularly important in the health of our planet.  We all know what is happening to the worlds rainforests.

    The health of the worlds coral reefs is in serious danger.  Without healthy coral reefs the whole ecosystem of the oceans could fail.  This damage to the coral reefs is largely man made.

      National Geographic had an article last year about toxins in our bodies. They tested one man for over 260 chemicals.  He had 165 of them in his body, including dangerous levels of PCBs, flame retardant chemicals and pesticides and mercury.  They tested him for 28 pesticides.  He had 16 of them in his body.  He is just an average American who never worked in any industry where he would have been exposed to these chemicals.  He had DDT in his body, which was phased out 30 years ago.

      I read an article maybe 25 years ago, which said there were over 200,000 chemicals invented by man, none of which occur in nature. We know next to nothing about the long term effects about most of them. God know how many we have created since that article.  

      In the San Francisco Bay area alone there are 50 species of birds in danger of extinction.

      Species worldwide are going extinct at a rate 1000 times the background rate of extinction over hundreds of millions of years.  

    Not since the dinosaurs went extinct, presumably because of an asteroid, has there been this kind of dying off of species.  There haven't been any asteroids hitting the earth lately. It is pretty obvious what is causing it.

      You see, we live in a world where corporate profits are seen as more important than survival of the planet and it's lifeforms. This is the status quo that those on the right want to preserve.

    Vote for the planet this year, it may be our last chance. Seriously!

      Like I said, everywhere we look environmental disaster looms. Any intelligent aware person can see this.  Yet we still have a mindset where environmentalists are seen as kooks.  There is all the power of the richest corporations in the world trying to convince you not to worry about the environment.   And these corporations have almost unlimited influence over our govt policy making process.  Bush appointed an oil industry lobbyist to head the EPA.  Our EPA, which We created to protect OUR environment.  He did the same thing at the Dept of the Interior.  When Bush's climate scientists created a report saying that global warming was real and that man is largely causing it, he had his lawyers change the wording until the report was meaningless.  This is a fact which you can check out.  CBS, I think it was,  did a special report on this last sunday.

    They interviewed the leading scientist in the study.  What he had to say was pretty damning of the administrations handling of it.  He said scientists were afraid to tell the truth under the Bush administration.  He had to quit so he could tell the truth.

      90% of California wetlands have disapeared.

    39 of 67 native fish species in California are extinct or at risk of extinction

    In West Bengal, India,  millions are slowly dying from arsenic poisoning from shallow wells that were dug as an alternative to the dirty surface water.

      These are just a handful of situations. Multiply by a few thousand and you start to get the idea.

      There are millions and millions of birds that either are at home in, or spend part of the year in the Boreal forest of Canada.  Their survival depends on the survival of that ecosystem.  Many of our popular birds in America spend time there either mating or feeding.

      The effects of global warming that are observable now are just beginning.

  5. Al Gore is an idoit. Global warming does not exist!!!!

  6. That depends what is happening in your life at that time. If GW is affecting you most all the time then you need to get a life.

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