
Is Global warming a weather conspiracy,...?

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  1. "Yeehaw!! Global warming is a Bull hockey!"  Are you that slow? Look around better yet..step outside...notice anything different? I didn't think don't have the right eyes to see the changes happening around you. Take responsibility for being human. Wouldn't you rather assume that we are on a dying planet rather than wait and see?  We are destroying the planet! That is a fact!! You can't argue with facts! Global warming yeah...we should focus on more things that are effecting the planet as well. I think people need more education about the world we live in.

  2. Actually speaking the climatic scientist before 30 years in the 70's they say that the Global is cooling down now they are saying that the Global is warming But the real truth is that the starting of next ICE age has been getting late because of this global warming by our People.

  3. The liberal socialist one-world government pinko communists have...oh wait, somebody else already did that one.


  4. Global warming is not a conspiracy, however, I believe that it is not our fault that our climates are changing.  Here's why I believe this; the earths magnetic field is supposed to flip, by flip I mean the north and south pole switch polarities, every 100,000 years or so.  Scientists and geologist have seen these flips in the different layer of rock.  Now the key think to know is that when the poles are flipping, this does not happen rapidly it can take many many years to flip, our magnetosphere starts behaving stangely.  What I mean by that is its magnetic flow, which usually moves from the north pole to the south pole, goes every which way.  Because of this the radiation from the sun makes to earth's surface rather than bounce off the magnetoshere.  The radiation would allow the earth to heat up more than usual and viola! Global warming!

       P.S. Currently we are way over due for this flipping.  It has been something like 200,000 years since the last flip.

  5. It is a way for a oneworld government to intervene into everyones life,crossing international boundaries,under the guise that we are causing it.It is also a direct attack on producers(and users ) of fossil fuels and coal.The stuff (energy) the entire world runs on.It is meant indirectly to change the American society infrastucture to a point of socialism.Since the US is the Last major power in the world,some would like to see it taken down a few notches and seperate the classes of people to elitists and followers.with no middle class.Power ultimate and unquestioned to the point of "Do as I say,not as I do"( right Mr Gore)Its also (Global Warming) using the same type of dogma as a religion,with Earth as a God(Gaia) and a consequence of sin.Change your light bulbs,your way of life etc or the world will burn(h**l) and a messiah Al Gore and his inconvenient truth(along with his lackeys)

    For truth on why the Concensus of scientists( consensus is only an opinion and not fact) look up Dr Roy Spencer on why the computer climate models are wrong.

  6. global warming is BS...cmon already, so what if ur grandchildren never get to see a polar bear?  i never got to see a dinosuar, u dont see me complaining

  7. I agree with you completely.

  8. I doubt it's a conspiracy, more like a reality.

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