
Is Globetrotter Brown Using World Events As A Smokescreen For Domestic Mismanagement?

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Did he think some chat about world co-operation was really going to overshadow his dumping of the 10p tax rate? Does this show that he is really out of touch with ordinary vaoters as his Labour colleagues begin to rebel at the idea of losing their cushy jobs?




  1. Yes

  2. Not being rude,but-when do you think a politician gave a rats donkey (***) was edited) about anybody but themselves. Or a genuine thought as to what it's like living in the real world.- They are so out of touch,they have second homes on mars.

  3. Like his mate Blair, any trouble at home he goes globetrotting. They are all tarred with the same brush in Downing Street....they do not care one hoot about this Country, and the mess they have made of it all. I will be glad when this lot is out because they have brought this Country to its knees, and it will take years to get it back to a sane order.

  4. The Man should not be in Power.!

    Best described as a "Fat Oaf" who lacks Charisma & Leadership qualities of a PM..

    I  believe,  an embarrassement to the UK

    He attacks Mugabee, but in sense, has not been elected

    to this Position of Responsibility by The British Populus.

    Lacking Flair & Management skills ,of his Own Party.

    He certainly, loves Crisis Management, & is likened to

    a Lost Soul, lacking integrity , purpose, direction , concerning

    Internal Affairs

    The Answer is , to give him or Compass, or , if his principles, overtake his conscience , Go to " the Country ", which he is

    destroying !

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