
Is Glycerin Emollient okay to use for rolled fondant?

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I'm trying to find glycerin to make rolled fondant and Acme Markets sells equaline (<---brand) Glycerin Emollient (it says: For External Use Only) this can't be the right stuff can it? It says its for chapped skin. The ingredients say: 100% gylcerin.

PLEASE help. The sad part is I went to vo-tech for baking and pastry arts and I've never heard about this stuff.




  1. you need liquid glycerin , you buy it from a chemist

  2. Here in this recipe you don&#039;t use glycerin and i use it all the time.

    Rolling Fondant

    1 tablespoon gelatin

    1/4 cup water

    1/2 cup corn syrup

    1 tablespoon vegetable oil

    2 tablespoons shortening

    8 cups confectioners&#039; sugar, sifted

    Cornstarch, for dusting

    1 cake

    Place gelatin and water in a small saucepan over low heat and melt it. Combine the remaining ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the melted gelatin to the mixer and beat at low speed until combined. This will form a paste or dough. Place in the refrigerator for a few minutes to let harden slightly.

    Use a rolling pin and roll the fondant to a thickness of about 1/4-inch thick. Use cornstarch to &quot;flour&quot; the work surface and the rolling pin. Roll the fondant around the rolling pin to transfer it to the top of the cake.

    The next task will be easier if you use a turntable. Place the fondant over the cake and unroll it. Use your fingers to gently position the fondant and smooth the top and sides. Be careful to avoid folds. It may be easier if you gently stretch it into place. Use a paring knife and cut away the excess using the bottom of the cake as the guide. Reserve the rest for a future cake.

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