
Is God, Jesus, etc. just a tool of the church?

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Is God, Jesus, etc. just a tool of the church?




  1. yep, thats how they get you in in the first place but then they have other tools(or i'll say manipulations) that keep you there. and don't ask questions or your faith is not strong and god works in mysterious ways.....I've been there. I went to 7 different churches to check out the hype. Asked lots of questions and the answers were vague, its not for us to know, fear based and, faith based. And every month we got the tythe sermon. God requires you to give up 10% of your income. You don't want to disappoint God do you?

  2. God/Jesus existed before the church(s) we know of today.

  3. no. without god there would be no such thing as church. people aren't force to go, only if they believe and church just help those who do stay on track.

  4. yeah, we have NO proof that any of that ever existed. . .it´s totaly stupid what some people will believe in. How do we know the bible and all that was real? we don´t. The church is a down right scarry *** cult. and if ¨god¨ is so good and just why are people killing eachother over him?? it´s just ridiculus

  5. .Jesus said he was the son of God and the son of man so it should follow that the son would be like the Father.

    A loving son would want to be as the Father is so it Would follow that the Son would be a creator son and try to follow the Fathers example in creating, but of course as a son not the Father. It would not be to far of a stretch to see our Universe being created by the creator Son.

  6. Of Course! The number one commandment for them is:THOU SHALL OBEY! Power hungry twerps!

  7. It's the other way round: the church(es) are God's tool!

  8. There's little historical doubt that the man, Jesus of Nazerath, actually lived and that he was a religious philosopher and prophet.

    As for the rest of it.....  It's a tool to keep the 'sheeple' in line.


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