
Is God A Male Or Female?

by Guest66028  |  earlier

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Ive wondered this for a long time and no I am not "trolling" or trying to get a rise out of people, I am serious. Ive asked this before to people online (not here) and some have told me he's a male, some have said female and some have said neither and some have said both. I don't understand if "we were made in his image" then how come there are two different genders? Does it say in the Bible? Or some place else? If so, could you quote it for me? Please don't attack the other posters, or me and please don't assume what religion I am because your answer will then be ignored and you will not be chosen.




  1. Male, because man in general were made to lead.  Adam was created first.  Eve was created to be beside him, helping him understand.  Women are smarter, more in tuned with their emotions, nurturers, and more compassionate while men are more simplistic, straight forward, prideful, and aggressive, all the things you'd really need to lead.  The odd thing is that we have yet to understand that if men and women were able to understand each other better, then certainly the world would be a lot better if one wasn't trying to dominate the other.    

  2. Neither.

    God is a Spirit.

    However Jesus became a man when He was born to Mary.

    Gender is only important to us on earth but not to God.

    God looks at us all equally.

    Equal value and equal worth.

  3. If you go with the Biblical. Since Adam came first and it says God created man in his image. Then male.

    My belief, neither. God to me would be the energy that is creation and the cosmos.

  4. Female, I saw her backstage at a Benny Hinn concert and she had a 'wardrobe malfunction'.

    I definately saw nipple.

  5. God is an imaginary being. So neither.

  6. God is Spirit.  John 4:23-24  

    23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

    the image for me is spirit...for God is spirit...and so are is just more difficult to believe for some because of the physical body and the surrounding physical reality...which is not really reality at all it is the cloak that covers the truth about us....

  7. the heavenly father is neither.he is spirit. and we must worship him in spirit and truth.

  8. 'God' is both male and female, yet neither.  In ancient Jewish texts and beliefs, God was both.  In my personal mythology, Deity possesses both feminine and masculine traits, therefore we, who are made it Its image, are both male and female; and have both masculine and feminine traits no matter our gender.  In all ancient religions, the Ultimate Creator was female, and except for one or two rare occurrences in nature, it is the females who give birth and the males who are the carriers of that which allows life to occur.  You cannot have life without both, so, logically, That which created us must have both traits.

  9. God is neither male or female, He is Spirit. Spirit has no form, it is not physical at all. Being made in His "likeness" means modeled after the way He thinks and being made to have a relationship with Him. It doesn't have anything to do with how we look. Thanks for asking.

  10. God, my heavenly father, is Male, he is my Father both in spirit and literally from heaven. God the FATHER, fathers are male.  

  11. Imaginary things can be whatever you want them to be.

  12. For one thing, God isn't "the christian god."  He was FIRST the God of the Jews.

    Yeshua referred to Him as "Father," and that pretty much means male.  However, God is Spirit, so He is not a sexual being, but it's easier for humans to relate to male/female genre.


  13. Neither. God is pure Spirit and spirits don't have gender.  Nevertheless God has chosen to reveal Himself in the image of "Father", which is why we use male pronouns in speaking of Him.

  14. Which god are you talking about?

    The Christian god is male because it was a male-dominated culture and societal structure.

  15. YHWH God our Heavenly Father embodies all mankind in Messiah

    Y'shua, but He is Spirit, we can only worship Him in Spirit & Truth now

    but one day we will be spirit & will still be in the form of male or female

    We cannot even begin to perceive the things of the Spirit now, so to

    assign a gender to our Father is difficult, for our sake He is refered to

    as He, Him as we have no understanding of the Spiritual realm.

  16. God is just a figment of your imagination and a tool to used by your leaders to batter you with when you step out of line and it is in your imagination that the decision over it`s s*x is made.

  17. Which God? The Christain god is male, I am assuming that's what you mean. Some Wiccans believe that the supreme god is a Godess, a female.

  18. God is a spirit, he has no body.  But He also has female and male characteristics.  Our spirits are made in His image, we are just encased with a physical body.

  19. I think God is energy and we are made of the same energy that is everywhere but in a different configuration.

  20. God is neither male or female; however by reading the bible it is implied that God is male.

  21. Genesis states clearly that it was Adam who was most closely created in the image of God.  Yes, he is our Father in Heaven.  There may be a yin to that yang, but this is not the time to discuss that.

  22. In the bible it tell us that God took His own sperm and put it into a virgin named Mary. as a result of that she gave birth to Gods only beggoten son. God is a male and so is Jesus.

    so there is your answer.

    and the man was made first because he is supposed to be the spiirtual leader of the home and the man was to carry on the gospel to others.

  23. God the Father is spirit and now so is God the Son Jesus. Jesus said that in heaven there is no marriage no male or female so we become spirit.

    in His image i believe refers to Choice. choosing good over evil. but the only way to do this is by knowing Jesus. God has choice for if He so wanted to He could destroy everyone but that is not mercy. Jesus certainly has choice. remember the temptations He went through.


  24. I don't know if this is right or not, it is just what I think:

    God is both. God chose to be called "He" in the Bible though because it displays more authority. There are 2 genders because God took woman out of man. So at one point, Adam had both the male and female qualities. Males and females are different because what God took out of Adam, He used to created Eve. It really just split the qualities into 2 parts. Man and woman are both made in His image because when you take the qualities of man and the qualities of woman, you  have a complete set of traits.    

  25. God is a male. You can read all over the Bible and it'll refer to Him as a guy.

    Deuteronomy 31:3 - The Lord your God himself will cross over ahead of you. he will destroy the nations before you, and you will take position of their land. Joshua also will cross over ahead of you, as said the Lord.

    I'm guessing there is two different genders so we can to say the least reproduce. God hates homosexuality.

  26. I was taught that man was made in god's image and that the woman was made to keep man from being lonely.

  27. It's merely and imaginary being that exists only in people's minds and on paper. Nothing to lose sleep over.  

  28. God is genderless. We just say "He" because it is tradition from the patriarchal society of which we are descended.

    In the Bible, God exhibits male and female traits, like power and unconditional love for "his" children, respectively.

  29. No, God is Spirit.  God is neither male nor female.

  30. God has no physical body so to be honest he is neither, however oddly enough if you read the bible it describes God as both.

    God is referred to as "Our Father" as he is the head of all things

  31. God has no gender. We have gender only for the purpose to procreate.

    There is no difference between male and female except for the fact that some believe one is better than the other. I believe in reincarnation and think that I have come back both genders, so it isn't important who is better. Certainly God doesn't care!

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