
Is God a Democrat, and does His vote count?

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Evangelical leader James Dobson's website posted a video calling for fellow Christians to pray for "rain of Biblical proportions" to disrupt the Democratic National Convention.

No rain. Beautiful weather.

But God sent a hurricane complete with "rain of Biblical proportions" that disrupted the Republican National Convention.

God being God and all, doesn't His single vote constitute a majority?


Dobson has since yanked the video to avoid further embarrassment, but you can still see it here:




  1. God is not of any political party but perhaps he does send signs sometimes.

  2. God would never be a democrat. He would never d**n America or any other country. All memories aside, Wright did marry Obamas. follow up, if you check your answers yet. Please state the bible verse. much appreciated.

  3. Are you God's spokesperson?

    There is a place for people like you in the Marines. Its walls are made of rubber.

    God doesn't want to take from the hardworking and give to the lazy. What I have accumulated over my 24 years of life belongs to ME. It is a sum of how hard I'VE worked. Obama wants to take it away and give it to some lazy b*****d.

  4. Carl Rove is Satan in human form, so yes.

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