
Is God a cultural construct with no objective evidence whatsoever?

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Is God a cultural construct with no objective evidence whatsoever?




  1. YES! or possibly maybe!

  2. Yes.  If there were objective evidence, then faith would not be required of believers, and that would put god in the arena of science, not religion or spirituality.  And if there were objective evidence of one and only one true god, we wouldn't have so many different religions.

  3. Yep.

  4. Congradulation on being the 1,000,000th person on YA to ask a variation of this question!

  5. no of course not. and if you do feel this way you are spiritually blinded but one day everyone will see that they were wrong if they don't have Jesus as their personal Savior

  6. id say yes god is a cultural construct with no objective evidence but overall isn't religion flawed in the fact that it is subjective and based on feelings not physical evidence but empirical.

    i am no believer and religion for me is  made up- a myth, but for those who believe its real  (the whole Jesus thing) its based more on faith than having actual proof, and to whether or not its a construct, i don't think it is anymore, i think it used to be when the church had power but now religion is hardly radical( except the rare crazy minority)

  7. I would say that is correct but why do you keep asking these sort of questions. Are you by any chance in the States and trying single handed to combat the worrying rise in theocracy in middle america

  8. As religious peoples of all kinds will tell you, there isn't a need for objective evidence when you have faith.  That's why it's faith!

    I can't think of any objective evidence to confirm or deny the existence of God.  That makes anything else belief or opinion.

    Does that make Him a cultural construct?  Hmm, at the risk of offending people, yes.  But what's wrong with that?  Humans are products of culture; without it we are meaningless.

  9. No to the first part, yes to the second part.

    My belief in God is irrational.  I've realized that for awhile now and I've come to the conclusion that it isn't an issue.  I have nothing to prove to anyone else.

  10. there are plenty of things in life for which we have no measurable evidence or  objective proof but which we value highly regardless and probably always will.

    the spirit/soul isnt a construct its a concept like love, I can't objectively prove love exists as a tangible living thing that you can pick up and measure - but I know it exists.

    Humans since they could stand and probably before have always always had a religious impuLse, a feeling that they were more than just a sack of blood and bones and that will never change.If it is a "cultural construct" it sure is an ancient,universal and vital one.

  11. nope

  12. Yes

  13. Why the need to rehash a long used and well worn question.....?

    Does there NEED to be 'objective evidence' ~ in your mind ~ when people have Faith as a central pillar?

    Why do you NEED to re-ask it?  For what purpose?  Who are you trying to win an argument with?

    You cannot demonstrate objective evidence that you exist.

    Whatever name you choose to give for your Self, whatever you choose to call your Self, could each be equally a lie and therefore, You cannot prove Your existence either ....although the shell seems to be (for example) here amongst us.


  14. Yup sure is

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