
Is God an atheist.............?

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He believes in no gods and worships none. He is the one that controls his own world.

But why does he hate atheists and speaks bad about them? Is it a peer rivalry or something?




  1. chah no sensessses

  2. God Is!

  3. That's is just about the absolute dumbest question I've ever seen!  It's like a person thinking they don't exist...

  4. He wishes none to perish but to have everlasting life. He does not hate you. He wants you to repent and come to him.  

  5. HAHAHA....i'll bring that one up in sunday school tomorrow...

  6. Do not use "but" at the beginning of a sentence!

    This is your second offense. Accept this $200 fine.

  7. Geez, and you call Christians stupid...

  8. He believes HE is God...of course, I could argue that atheists believe the same thing.  ...and if he didn't at least believe that other gods existed, then making a rule that says not to put any other gods before him is a bit silly isn't it?

  9. I agree with another post when they said "why the commandment needed to be written about not taking any other gods before him"

    He obviously is not an atheist because he clearly fears what other gods are thinking, so he must believe.

    He knows Zeus will kick his ***

  10. Ha ha...good line of thinking. If that's the case it's because his ego is bigger than a blue whales male reproductive organs.  

  11. Once again, there seems to be the idea that the definition of god is simply "a higher power."  If that were the case, then many of us would be considered gods when compared to say insects (truly sorry about those of you who wouldn't).  The definition of god does not require it to be a higher power.  Generally, its essential definition includes only a supernatural and transcendent element. So, if a supernatural, transcendent entity existed, it would be foolish of that entity to not believe in a supernatural, transcendent being.

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