
Is God going to punish me?

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i have a really close friend that i have known forever. She met this really religious guy and they recently got married. Now she's all into Jesus and God and every other sentence is Jesus this Jesus That. I went to church with them a few times but it just isn't for me. Not right now. God and her husband have really driven a wedge into our friendship. Im sad our interest have changed. (i don't worship satan or anything) I just don't feel like going to church on sundays. Im totally wrong i know. If i went to church we could still be close friends. But I just can't. Im selfish and im losing a good friend over not worshipping god. it hurts and im the cause. HELP. How can i get religious or get my friend back without going to church.




  1. Religion and spirituality are so personal. That is something that you really have to feel a deep connection with. If you don't then you don't. Maybe it's like you said... just not right now, or maybe it just isn't for you period. A lot of 'religious' people have a hard time understanding that it really is not for everyone.

    I'm sorry to hear that your going through that with your friend. I hate to say it but now she is married and a husband is a huge part of someones life, and they usually out weigh the friends ( just being brutally honest : /  ) Keep your ideas on life a priority and don't try to mold yourself into someone else just to maintain a friendship with her. If you guys really have a friendship worth keeping it will work out.

  2. you should always believe in god and be thankful for everything he gave you but there is a thing as toooo religious tell your friend what you feel and hope for the best if she does understand your feelings she will cut back in religious beliefs and start enjoying life

  3. If your friend is important to you then it's worth giving church a try.  Maybe if you really open your mind up and remove any doubt you have you could see something you might have missed.  

    You honestly have to explore Christianity in all aspects before you decide if it's not for you.  The best advice I can give you is to talk to your friend about it or get into a Bible study.  Either way, someone can explain any questions you have.

    You also have to find a church that's right for you, because all churches are different.  I suggest you try a nondenomiational church.  I personally don't buy into all the different denomiations, because I don't think God cares if you're Catholic or Baptist or whatever.

    And as for your question, "Is God going to punish me?".  It seems to me that you believe in God and h**l already, now you just have to do the rest.  God does not punish people for not going to church.  

  4. I can relate somewhat. My best friend is a very very very religious christian and she's the same way. If Jesus had a certain odor, she and her house would WREAK of it. Don't become a religious person for her. Simply try asking her if when you two hang out you can talk about things other than God, because everyone has their views and yours are not quite the same. She should understand, and if she won't accept you for being your own person then she's not really a good friend anymore. Tough situation, but if you're really friends you'll make it through. :) Good luck!

  5. If church isn't for you, then you don't have to go. That isn't beign selfish. If she doesn't like you because of your interests, she isn't a very good friend. Just talk to her about it and see if she'll understand that church and religion just isn't for you.  

  6. You don't have to share the same religion to be friends with someone.

    If you know anything about Christianity it's when someone accepts Christ into their lives they are different, they become changed and turned into a "new" born-again person so it's only normal you feel some sort of wedge between you two. That's only because she has been changed because she is now a Christian.

    Even so that doesn't mean that you cannot still be friends I mean there are a lot of things that you can do as friends while leaving religion and faith out of it.

    You could also talk to her about it, but don't make it seem like it's her husband's fault or whatever.

    You can't blame yourself either for not wanting to accept Christ (right now anyways) or become religious.

    That's your own choice, you dont have to be religious to be friends with someone, that sounds ridiculous actually.

    Just try to talk to her about it.

  7. You don't have  to go to church you can still believe in god and  not go to church you know that's what i do. just pray every night before you go to bed and thank him for food and stuff like that.

  8. You have every right to not want to go to church! just tell her that it just isn't for you, and you would still love to be her friend!

  9. "God and her husband have really driven a wedge into our friendship."

    It must be pretty awkward over at her house.

    Darn...I hate when that happens.

    I told Him to mind His own business.

  10. Maybe their church isn't 4 u.there are a multiple of different Christian religions and churches out there.if your friend is really your friend she'll see that you still need 2 grow in your religion and faith and will support you in whatever you do.if you do belive in god,the bible says that you need 2 go to church.many churches have services on other days besides Sundays to fit your schedule.remember that god is always on your side and he forgives you all of your sins.pray about it and he will lead you where you need 2 go.god bless and good luck.

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