
Is God sending Hurricanes during the RNC to protest Big Oil and Global Warming?

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You have to admit... the Republicans are getting exceedingly nasty about the Environment these days...

And whenever tragedy strikes they all sound-off about how it must be the g*y people's fault... Everytime there is a storm somewhere, a televangelist starts blaming America's "sinful nature"...

Perhaps they are looking at the wrong sins?




  1. NO.

  2. I will be sitting in the gallery, eating popcorn on Judgment Day when all these "Religious Right" wacko preachers start coming before God and God asks them what right they had to lie, steal and support murders in his name.......

    Should be a good show.

  3. Wow, just image all the poor Democrats who get killed from it! But, according to your way of thinking, they will have died in a good cause ,eh?

    What a moron

  4. Yeah, I'm sure that's it

  5. I'd never wish a hurricane on anyone even republicans.  

    but was it not this past week that some church was praying for rain on Obama's speech ?  

    why would anyone do that ?

  6. No, he's sending a hurricane to the Big Easy to show America how successfully a Republican State leader can handle it.

    And to prove once and for all that it was the State and local democrats that were 100% responsible for the disaster in New Orleans, and not Bush.

  7. This makes about as much sense as blaming GWB for a negative economy.

  8. Oh good god don't suggest that to them they will stage a massive repentance rally and start burning witch's and other heretic's again

    Just trust in the judgment of Mother Nature and let her do her thing  

  9. now i have seen the most ridiculous question ever, thank you.

  10. So all televangelists are Republicans?  I didn't know that.  Why is it every time there is a storm democrats think it's because of global warming?  See, I can make blanket statements too.

  11. I think during a hurricane would be the perfect time to release all of the "alleged" terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay.  We can tell them how sorry we are and hand them a set of water wings.

  12. God has a whole lot of nations to look after.  183 countries other than the USA.  Why would he concern himself with only one population of spoiled, egocentric, immature whiners?

    The answer to this question, since America is almost as powerful as God, is to Nuke hurricanes out of existence; or divert them to Russia, or whichever other nation is out of American favour at the moment.

  13. Kind of ironic huh, when that preacher said we should pray from rain in Denver during Obamas speach.

    too bad Jerry Falwell is dead because he could blame it on the homosexuals.

  14. yes and to also divert press coverage of the convention

  15. Nah, but after that crackpot neo-con hack of an intolerant excuse for a pastor tried to get his sheeple to pray for rain over the Obama acceptance speech, I'll have to admit that it IS a bit spooky!

    While I generally don't believe in coincidences, this is one time when a coincidence is just that.  Like sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  16. SURE thats why hes sending it to New orleans...

    Sids i thought it was Bush and his weather machine that was sending those canes...

    thats what yall keep saying isint it?

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