
Is God telling me to become an art teacher?

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So...I've been struggling with my career path. Right now I am a Junior in college and I'm a Bio/Art double major. However, I have been exploring the idea of teaching. I hesitate because jobs are hard to come by, the pay isn't the best and I'm not always very patient. I do like working with kids, but it's the ones that push my buttons the wrong way that just set me off.

Anyway, the decision has been bothering me and I have been seeking God's guidance. A few days ago, I asked him to give me a sign if I should go into art education. That very day, I ran into two art teachers I had worked with at art camp this past summer.

What do you think? Coincidence or a divine answer?




  1. It's a coincidence.

    I say this because a person who admits to having problems with patience and who allows kids to "push her buttons" is not someone who should work with children.  

    All the best.

  2. Its a Legal term to answer your question.....You asked and He answered...Question solved.

  3. God does not direct your life that way. He has given you, and all of us, free will. You must choose what you want to do in this life. If you want to teach, try teaching. You are still young enough to do something else if you don't like it.

    Take some psychology training and also anger management or emotional control courses.

    In Australia teachers are very well paid, earning over $60,000. Art teachers earn the same as other teachers here and I personally know a female art teacher who has risen up to become the head of a private school.  

  4. I would say coincidence. You shouldnt feel any further doubt if God was providing you with an answer. There might be another reason you ran into those teachers.

    Based on what you said about the lousy pay and your impatience concerning children then I would be wary of entering that field especially as an art teacher. You will be exposed to a lot of different children who may end up hating your subject and testing you beyond your ability to cope. Maybe the answer isnt teaching art but doing something extra with your training and experience with art. You can always work with a youth center focusing on the arts so you will have students at least interested and willing to learn- they may not try your patience as much.

  5. Since you asked for a sign, and God gave you two, it sounds like you need to head in the direction of becoming an Art Teacher and every step of the way pay attention because God may have you change course a bit.

    Art Saves Lives.

  6. Well, I'm not very religious in a traditional sense, but I'd say the important thing is how you reacted to running into the art teachers.  Did it stir up feelings you'd lost?  Was it inspiring?  Did it outweigh your desire to have an easier time making a career and dealing with less bratty kids?  Were those feelings lasting?

    If yes, then maybe God didn't arrange your meeting, but He did show you a bit more about yourself.

    (If no, then God, however you view Him, still showed you something about yourself.)

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