
Is Godzilla real?

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I have heard from a book that Godzilla attacked Japan (duh he did!)and then he went back to the Marshalls Islands.Is he made up or is he real? I kinda think he is made up cuse they say godzilla was just made up.




  1. yes she is real, but very exaggerated. SHE was about 6 1/2 to 7 feet shorter than popular belief which was created through propaganda.

    if she wasnt real, obviously there would be no point to make movies about her, but why the writers would make her that much taller i have no clue.

  2. Godzilla- ''The Government''

  3. yea he, loch ness, and king kong is planning for a suprise party just for you this weekend

  4. its real....yep

  5. DUH!!!! hes real!!!!!=P

  6. Godzilla and science:First  of all ,a  creature of Godzilla's size would  have  to consume alot.Imamage what Godzilla's body weight would  be.Godzilla's  immune  system was immuune to lukemenia and all kinds of cancer.Godzilla was trying to  get rid of sulphuric acid so what we saw fire breath was Godzilla's body's form  of waste management.

    Was War of Worlds really a radio broadcast?All forms of media(inculding written ones)have influneced our life (Joespoh  Mcarthy).

  7. What kind of question is this?!

    OF COURSE Godzilla is real!

    He's sitting right next to me!

    I made him a sandwich... =]

    truthfully though, I really dont know.

    But I highly doubt it.

    Bigfoot and the Loch ness monster are more likely to exist than Godzilla.

  8. Godzilla is a fictional character.

  9. Yeah, sure, right he's real.  Are you 10?  You've been spending too much time watching TV and reading comic books.  And I have some real estate to sell you on Atlantis.  Sheesh.

  10. Uh no thats a work of hollywood imagination.

  11. lol. Oh no duh!!! =S

  12. no but, the closet's thing to Godzilla are the dinosaurs.

  13. i  would hope hes not real

  14. no he's npt real THANK GOODNESS lol

  15. no but they say no ish god zira

  16. He's as real as King Kong.
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