
Is Golf a Sport?????????????

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Golf is not a sport in my mind




  1. Yes, try hitting 100 balls on a driving range, and if you sweat, then it is a sport.  Sport is defined as a physical activity requiring exertion of energy.

  2. uh, yeah. why wouldn't it be? you have to get a ball past a bunch of obstacles and you are scored.

  3. yes along with b-ball, baseball, racing, and thing like that

  4. I play golf and it is harder than most people think it is.  I believe it is a sport.

  5. no,, its not  sọrry.

  6. yes

  7. YAHH but it shouldnt b cuz all u do is hit a freakin ball right?....i guess the sport is carrying around golf bags haha

  8. heck you dont even know that golf is a sport?

  9. i played today, it was 90 degrees with 70% humidity, and i sweated my *** off.....

    ohhh btw, Tiger broke his leg and tore his acl playing golf.

    archery, skiing, snowboarding, auto racing, diving..............

  10. I think that golf is a sport only if golf carts are not used. If a cart is used then you don;t the exercise that comes with the golfing. Also, you need a lot of practice, skill, and determination just to complete an 18 hole round and still be consisitant. So yes it is a sport!

  11. Have you ever played?  I started two years ago and always joked it wasn't.  But now I know it is.  You can't just walk out there and be good at golf. You have to practice, you have all these rules and pieces of advice that you have to consider before each swing ... keep your head down, swing slow, keep your grip moderately loose, watch your swing's angle, what's the wind doing, is the grass wet, am I coming up as I swing, strong wrists, don't break .... it's crazy and that's hardly half of what I think about.

    You have to know which club to use and when - that varies on course, temperature, wind, impediments, ball position.

    It's a tough sport, one wherein you can't get angry or your game gets worse.  Try playing it - walk all 18 - and see if your opinion changes.  And by playing I mean more then once.

  12. How about you get yourself out there with a golf bag, clubs and give it a go and you tell us.

    It requires you to walk around 4-7 miles around with a pretty heavy bag.

    If you played golf 4days in a row I bet you would be physically and mentally worn out...

    I can't do a 100m sprint in my backgarden, or any other olympic game so does that mean they are not sport?

    Ok I agree golf might not be something you would say right away when asked for a sport but it doesn't mean it isn't.

    People play golf to keep fit because of all the walking it involves....(I dont like the buggies, it ruins the game, unless you need them)

  13. And there is lots of room in your mind.I suggest you look up the word "sport" in the dictionary.OH! a dictionary is a book that has words and the meaning of such words.Is your sandbox in your back yard?

  14. Tell you what- carry a 25 pound bag for a 5-7 mile walk in oppressive heat and humidity while playing, and tell me when you're done it's not a sport.

  15. yes its a sport..why wouldn't it be a sport? sports don't necessary have to be physical..more like a competition

  16. only if you sweat

  17. yes it be a sport.

  18. h**l no

  19. Hellow duh of course it is.

  20. It is more of a quiet sport. I think it is a sport, but you are just a cliche person if you think not. And for gods sake, don't put 13 question marks at the end of that question.

  21. yes

    and so is dancing and cheerleading and running

  22. Competition between players using athletism and skill...I'd say yes.

  23. Golf has been killed because of everyone taking carts and not playing by the rules and such. Playing and excelling in tournament golf is probably one of the hardest things to do, sportswise. You go ahead and walk 7 miles on hilly terrain with a 30 pound golf bag on your back, and try to stay mentally and physically your best for almost 5 HOURS with no breaks. And just getting to the point to where you could compete at a high level is more than most will ever come close too. In my opinion, it is the most skill intensive SPORT that there is. They make hitting a golf ball look easy on tv. But there is no part about it that is easy.

  24. technically yes, but in my opinion, no

  25. Yes.Golf is a sport.

  26. Not one of my favorites but it is it's not really easy but not really hard .it takes skill to be able to play and  great vision. if your not good at it you can't really joke on it it's not right i suck at it and i have great respects for tiger woods and them.

  27. its the greatest sport ever

  28. I think driving the golf cart should be a sport :0)

  29. I guess kind of. I mean i dont play it.. But it is okay to play.

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