
Is Gordon Brown running Britain like EBAY?

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After all isnt that what we all do when we need some cash

hes selling us off bit by bit soon he will have nothing to sell in the great GB givaway.

your views welcome!!




  1. and what do we do once all our companies have ceased or moved abroad thats when the tables will turn we will be dependant soley on inporting where an arm and and leg may be the price

  2. No, e bay is at least competent.

  3. ive always found ebay to be very trustworthy so no he isnt, but hes selling us down the bloody river  and im sick of it.

  4. :-)

    but not ebay - as that has regulations - more like a car boot - more junk coming in than going out

  5. All the politicians in England are biz. They just look after themselves.

    By all, I mean ALL, Labour, Tory and Liberal. We need a complete clear-out.

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