
Is Gordon Brown shaking in his boots after another massive battering in Glasgow?

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Or is he really a stupid as he looks




  1. In short he has no answer Alf

  2. Yes and so he should be!!!

  3. Why on earth would he be shaking in his boots?? The guy is a politician so surely doesn't expect to win/succeed.

    You seem to have some idea about leadership/government/doing the right thing.

    If, by accident things get better he gets re-elected and remains as Prime Minister, if things get worse (assuming that they can) he loses the election, gets kicked out of his role and is offered something in the House of Lords - with a pay packet that would look to you and I like a Lottery win!

    So it's; Heads he wins : Tails you lose!

  4. currently doing his ' ostrich head in the sand' impression, keeps on saying his party needs to listen to 'the people'. what have they been doing for the past 12 years? certainly not listening to anyone and doing what they like.  at the moment trying to hang on in office for the rest of the labour government term. heaven help us...

  5. He is as stupid as he looks

  6. I should hope so!

    I wish you all the best in gaining you're independence from the awfull UK.

    Then you can come help with our independence movement down here in Cornwall =]

  7. No, he's to Arrogant to do that,

    He thinks he can still con us into believing what he has to say,

    He has lied to the British People to many times though, he must go for the Good of the Country,

  8. No, but he will be thinking about what sort of job he will be doing in about 2 years time, as if he doesnt lose his seat in the general election he will resign as leader and will then no doubt resign as an MP

  9. It seems as though he is going to ignore the will of the public like his predeccessor Blair.

    I think his response to the drubbing is that he is" going to get on with the job"

    Really?I feel better knowing Brown is getting on with the job of giving  my country for free to our European enemies.

    Whether Brown likes it or not hes going at the next election.In his position  I would not be trying to create a legacy of the second worst PM in history(surpassed only by Blair).

    Listen up Brown.Youre a nice guy from a good family.OK so you were a disastrous chancellor and a worse PM.Give it up son and we will forgive you and find you a place on Channel4 big brother.

    Cling on to power like Blair and you will be remembered like Blair!

    "You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"

    -Cromwell's dismissal of the Rump Parliament 1653-suitably apt for New Labour 2008.

  10. The latter!!

  11. NO. But the figures of the Glasgow election "a 13,000 majority turned to a 350 odd deficit -- and the winning candidate polled a mere 11,000 votes. So the poll was very very low. The missing ones will return- not to worry- just get out on the hustings and keep at it.

  12. No. No sense, no feeling.

  13. No he has done his job as Tony told him get the Lisbon treaty through at all costs. They all have second houses and plenty of cash they know whatever they do now they are doomed but its job done and bigger fool us who keep voting for this sham called parliament because that's exactly what it is and they know it.

    It has become a little obvious that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair spouting new labour were nothing to do with Labour politics

    Give it a couple of years and Gordie will suddenly have a nice job somewhere in the EU

  14. He is so deeply in denial that he cannot accept almost the whole of the UK want him to go. Nobody voted for him but he was given a chance, and like when he was chancellor he messed up, good and proper. There he was again today, on the BBC , telling us all, he understands our hurt. We just want to know what he intends to do about it but he always bottles that question. Just a few weeks ago he was telling us our economy was strong enough to withstand the world's troubles better than most other countries. Now he is fiddling the books so that he can borrow billions more than he promised.At the same time he is roaming around abroad handing out millions to anybody he takes a shine to. Anybody else would have been forced to resign by now.

  15. More like the latter; he is like the King With New Clothes !! (who doesn't realise he is really naked).

  16. You bet he is shaking, and he is as stupid as he looks.

    Absolute Winker. Nobody voted for the thick arseh**e.

  17. He is not stupid at all. He is on an excellent salary/expense account and lives like a king. Why on earth would he give this up ? No, he will stay until the bitter end and then retire on a fabulous pension and write his memoirs, just like the pratt before him !!!

  18. Bring back Tony Blair!

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