
Is Gordon Brown the worst British Prime Minister in living memory?

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Can you list his greatet achevements since assuming office




  1. He is pretty bad and he's now paying the price for everything that labour has done over the last 10yrs.

    For those who say Thatcher was the worst I'd have to say history tells a different story.She took hard decisions that other political leaders had shyed away from for too long and for those that study politics,whatever their own view,she is regarded as one the the greatest PM's that GB ever had.

  2. Margaret Thatcher. No contest.

  3. he introduced mouth-breathing and slobbering into british politics

  4. Yes, I can:

    --- the way he drops his jaw between sentences.  I can't do it so it's an achievement.

  5. what do you expect,hes the child of Blaire,and children are what they are reared to be.swami legitimates

  6. No he is the worst in history

  7. I think Blair was the worst, because it is impossible to get any worse than him. I simply think that Brown is continuing the destruction of Britain.

    Your question was an obvious invitation to the Thatcher bashes, unfortunately, I have committed the same sin as them, no explanation or substance to my answer, except that in the cases of Blair/Brown the explanation would be too long.

  8. not just in living memory he will go down as the worst PM in historyt..........he has no achievements whatso ever to his name...all his previous claims like making the Bank of England independent are untrue..Blair wanted that to we all know Brown is a control freak and gave in rather reluctantly and now wants to take the credit for it..WHAT A ******* LIBERTY....!!!!!!

    as for the rest of his claims about boom and bust....well you coulndn't make it up..the looser is in Dowing St to see his lies unravel on that one....

  9. nope.

  10. NO, he's pretty useles though, Heath was a disaster, Thatcher destroyed manufacturing in the country, Major liked peas, Billy the Whizz was a t****r Blair wasn't too bad, errm, if you forget about the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.........

  11. Can you list the bad things he has done?

    The prime minister is not the person in charge of this country. It is those idiots in the media feeding us biased information so they can make a quick profit by controlling our thoughts.

  12. No.

    Look no further than Thatcher, what a great day it was when she left office, that idiot Major comes a close second with Ted heath finishing in 3rd.

    Edit For Happy.

    Hi mate, have to dis-agree with you on Wilson, he was a Top man.

  13. no remeber John Major well maybe you don't he wasn't that memorable whenever he was portrayed on that puppet show he was shown as being grey ha ha ha

  14. what dont you remember thatcher ??????

  15. no Tony Biar was. Brown didn't try to murder thosuands of innocent people to further his career.

  16. How?

    When the Highlander never die?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  17. Tony Blair

  18. thatcher turned life to h**l for my dad when she was in office,at least gordon brown isnt charging kids for school milk

  19. I reckon John Major was pretty hopeless as well,,,come to think of it Tony Blair was rubbish,as for Gordon,,just a lame duck,but I also recall the Callaghan,Wilson and Heath years and they were all rubbish,,

  20. No, whoever we put in charge is never going to do excellent job. It's just impossible.

  21. Um, um, um, um. Nah, cannae think of a thing. Like most of them they are in it for themselves and have no thought for the real people that elect them. Egotism, nepotism and self indulgence that is what we get. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer to support their lifestyles. S**t you have got me riled now and I am just off a nightshift and heading to bed !!

  22. Yes he is.

  23. nope

    its tony b liar

  24. Tony Blair was worse.

  25. Gotta be Blair, he had us under US rule.

  26. Most of the British Prime Ministers have not been any good for this country.  I reckon Margaret Thatcher was the best I have seen, if only for her gumption.  

    What we need is a really dynamic person with commitment and concern for the people and the country, with real, and I mean real business acumen.

    Where do we find such a person though?

    When we do he/she will get my vote wholeheartedly.  There must be someone out there.

    But it is not Gordon Brown.

  27. That's a taxing question!

  28. Yes after Tony Blair who led us into an illegal war, by lying to us.

  29. Yes but he was a worse chancellor.

    His greatest achievement: picking his nose while sitting on the front bench in parliament on national TV - and then eating it.

  30. With Margaret Thatcher and Neville Chamberlain on the books?

    You man now never appeased the n***s and sold out the Czechs.

  31. No, because he is not as divisive as Margaret Thatcher was.  She almost single-handedly caused the destruction of Scottish heavy industries - shipbuilding, coal-mining, steel working and aluminium smelting, as well as the car manufacturing industry in the central belt.

    When that old w-itch dies, there will be the biggest celebration in Scotland since we beat England at (well, you name it, rugby, association football, tiddlywinks)....

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