
Is Graduate School Worth It?

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Many people think the more education, the better off you will be financially. However, this is not always the case. You need to think about why you want to get the next degree, and whether or not that is worth the financial risk of going to graduate school Sometimes people go on to graduate school because they do not know what the next step should be. Others go because it is expected of them. Many people find at the end of the journey, that they don't want to go into what they spent all of that time studying. so is going to grad school worth 2 extra years of your life?




  1. This depends quite a lot on what field you are in. For instance, in psychology the difference in pay between a BS/BA and MS/MA is quite substantial, but getting a PhD doesn't make that much more... on the other hand, in biology a MS doesnt help much over a BS, but a PHD makes a big difference.

    Just getting a larger paycheck is not the main reason most people get MA or MS or PhD degrees. They do it because they love the subject and want to learn more, and because they want a career that is interesting and challenging, and a higher degree is the key to that world.

    It is not surprising that people who go to grad school just to kill time or avoid the working world are dissatisfied with the result! And, it is not surprising that someone who goes to grad school because they cant think what else to do is then going to get their intellectual butt kicked by someone who is there for the love of the knowledge, who can't wait to get to class and work on their thesis. If that sounds geeky to you, then grad school is probably not a good choice...

  2. I believe it is so worth it. It will help you career-wise and it's a great feeling to know that you have achieved so much. As hard as it is, it breaks up the monotony of work, sleep, eat..

    When it comes to financial what about graduate assistantship? Not only you get experience in what you are pursuing but you also get paid for it, and most of the time, you get your tuition paid for as well...

    What else would you do with the next two years of your life? Work...believe me, that is so if you don't like what you do

  3. it kind of depends on what you will be studying, but for the most part, yes, it is. A graduate degree could bring a bigger paycheck, especially for the computer or tech related fields. It is even more useful for the psychology majors because you cant really do anything with just a bachelors in psychology. A person would probably need a Ph.D if he or she wanted to be a psychologist.  

  4. well, if you major in some stupid social science that won't get you a real job, then graduate school may help you not fail at a career.  

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