
Is Greece helping Israel prepare against Iran ?

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This is the article that was published on June 20th.

The Greek Air Force says it partook in an Israeli military exercise which is regarded as a rehearsal for a potential attack on Iran.

Greek sources speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed a NYT report that Israel's military maneuvers which were carried out earlier this month off the southern Mediterranean island of Crete, were preparations for a future war with the Islamic Republic.

According to a NYT report, more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters participated in the military drills which involved simulated aerial combat, attacks on terrestrial targets, aerial refueling, and search and rescue missions.




  1. LOL!

    Israel wishes they could bomb Iran. All h**l would break loose if they do.

  2. Good, because i started to miss 300.

  3. If Greece is enough stupid to invade Iran let's they do...!!!

    We love defeating "Spartans" again...   :)

    Also, I don't think Israel can invade Iran. Iran's revenge will be unbelievable...

    Israel couldn't defeated about 300 Hezbollah militias in south of Lebanon. How do they want to invade Iran...?!?!?!?!

    Have a nice day...!

  4. yeah and they also named their force "The Spartans"

  5. Greece??

    first time I hear this.

  6. No, I do not think so.

    You see the Greeks and the Turks have been dog-fighting for many decades now and both countries pilots are considered top dogs in areal pursuits and aerial combat maneuver techniques.

    My guess is that the Jews wanted the Greeks to share some of that knowledge with them (and play bully on the side, too , lol!)

    My 2c

  7. I don't care what they do or wish they do, but I believe after the Lebanon stupidity, (unless they call the demolition of hospitals and schools a victory in their sick minds of theirs, of course), nobody cares what they do because they are very scared right now.

    They'll s***w up as well,  so I say let them do it.

    The Russians already delivered 8 out of the 20 anti-missile machines so the Iranians are ok and laughing with joy.

    I only care for those poor Palestinian babies getting killed by the jewish soldiers (4000 in 2 years!!)

    bye bye

  8. Many modern Arab states don't like Iran, because they destabilize the region. Europe & USA & Allies are against IRAN. Should Israel do a quick attack against Iran to bunker bust Iran's uranium plants, IRAN will try to kill those planes, but will not retaliate against Israel. Israel, Palikstan, India are the only nuclear powers in the region - All Iran can do is open their big mouths.

    i would say give it few more years for IRan to get some progress then Israel with full support of USA will attack reactors. Then after bombing is done, Russia will make some money and sell Iran few more reactors.

  9. YES. its true, i saw this on the news this morning, the Greeks have officially said they would help Israel. haha poor Iran! Imagine if something like this actually happens. It would be like the Persians vs Spartans again. By the way the Greeks named their force "The Spartans", maybe a 300 sequel is coming soon. LOL!

  10. olmert - "our missles will blot out the sun"

    ahmadinejihad - "then we will fight in the shade"

    greece - "this is spartaaaaaaaaaaaa"

    lebanese t**z - "HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO"

  11. I wish I could see more reason here but what I see is provocateurs and haters of Greece because of the Macedonian name dispute.

    Friends, according to the New York Times, some days ago a military exercise took place in Greece with the participation of the Israeli Air Force. The code name of the exercise was "Glorious Spartan".

    What is strange about this? Greece and Israel are in NATO, and in this coalition the exercises are part of the routine. Greece did exercises even with Turkey, the number 1 enemy of the Greek nation, all this because of NATO. Greece has nothing against Persia or Israel. We have many open national issues and the greek government will never support any of the two countries openly ( in peace ).

  12. No.  That was a misreading.

    DEBKAfile’s Western military sources do not believe that if Israel does attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, it will resort to the old-fashioned aerial blitz tactic employed in 1981 for bombing Iraq’s Osirak reactor. They therefore challenge the US officials’ conclusion that Israel’s aerial exercise in conjunction with the Greek Air Force over Crete in early June was in fact a rehearsal for Iran.

    What was demonstrated was the Israeli Air Force’s capability for deploying a large aerial force of more than 100 warplanes and helicopters for long-distance operations. The distance from Israel to Crete was indeed roughly equal to the distance to Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz.

    Israel has already displayed its ability to strike a nuclear site by the attack on the Syrian-North Korean plutonium reactor in northern Syria on September 6, 2007.

    But these military sources argue it would be sheer recklessness for Israel to send so large a part of its air fleet for a repeat of the Israeli attack on Iraq without first demolishing Iran’s air defenses.

    In the attack on Syria, Israel was able to disarm by electronic means the Russian-made air defense batteries guarding its reactor. The same systems protect Iran’s nuclear sites. It must be assumed, however, that Iran and the Russian manufacturers learned a lesson or two from the way Israel silenced the batteries in Syria, although Israel too will have added new gadgetry.

    Those Western military sources also deduced from the Israeli aerial exercise eastern Mediterranean that its war planners must have taken stock of the punishing fallout a war operation against Iran would trigger.

    Therefore, rather than consigning a large air fleet to Iranians skies, Israel’s war planners are likely to first use large numbers of missiles to demolish Iran’s nuclear facilities and air defense batteries. Some may be delivered by air from a distance outside the range of Iranian fighter craft (most of which are outdated and in bad shape), others from Dolphin submarines.

    The Air Force would go into action at a later stage.

    They calculate that the moment Iran is attacked, not only will it retaliate, but all h**l will break loose on Israeli borders. Iran’s terrorist stooges, Hisb'Allah will let loose from Lebanon, Hamas from the Gaza Strip and the Syrian air and missile forces go into action from the north. The Israeli Air Force will be vitally needed to protect the population and sufficient aircraft must therefore be kept back for the home front.

    Given Tehran’s multiple reprisal capability and the limits to which the Israeli Air Force can be stretched operationally at one time, the IDF may well decide to deal with the Hisb'Allah and Hamas short-range rocket infrastructure as well as the Syrian Air Force before going into action against Iran..

    In this sense, DEBKAfile’s military experts note, the decision to strike Iran’s nuclear sites is tightly bound up with preventive action against the menaces closer to home, Hamas at the very least.

    MK Tzahi Hanegbi, chairman of the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee said in an interview Saturday, June 21, on Day Three of the Gaza truce, that a major operation to demolish Hamas’ war machine will be unavoidable at some point. He urged the formation of a national unity government to enlist the country's best brains and resources for the tough decisions ahead.


  13. It won't change anything, we, the Iranians are ready to defend it all costs. Torture us, kill us, but we will still defend our beloved country. No this story is not like the story of "300" but like the story of "David and Goliath." So let the game start, even if the whole world turns against us, just like it did at the time of the 8 years war, we are ready to give our lives for our nation, IRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

  14. the greeks may have spoken about the spartans but i highly doubt that will ever happen.not in this lifetime.

  15. No its not

  16. The whole world is helping Israel prepare against Iran. Even Syria and lebanon.

  17. Greece will not help Israel in such wars , it is just some trainings to achieve some political purposes , what would Greece gain from Israel's problems ? of course Greece will not participate in that , never .

  18. Greece:)????

    Come again:)??

    No Israel doesn't need help from Greece!

  19. I do not think it goes that way.

    Israelis can not and will not attack Iran, Iranians are standing on their boarders with Lebanon and Gaza.

  20. Wonderful opportunity to train top pilots and support staff to gage the level of their proficiency.

    This also give Greece to say we to have an air force and we are as modern as any.

    Also to show pride in their young men and women that serve.  This is something most here don't understand as they only want to be served.

    These feeble minded remarks about a Hollywood second rater are embarrashing.  

    I thought I was hanging out with brighter people.

  21. no they are just training with them as most countries do with other countries air forces from time to time - the jews know that someone is going to hit them back as happened to the us on 911 - they have killed alot of arabs and enjoyed the privilage of an elite class for most of history except in world war 2 for such a tiny tiny population of the world they have humiliated and massacred so many arabs and muslims and enjoyed it as americans do - americas little ' mini  me ' cannot rule forever - if the iranians dont get them then one group will and the jews can use thier american funded nuclear missiles but they wont be partying in victory as they live so close to the countries that they would destroy with nuclear missiles -

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