
Is Gustav a gift to McCain?

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It prompted Bush and Cheney to cancel their convention speeches. How lucky can you get?

Still, I hope that no one forgets this picture of McCain celebrating Bush's birthday during Katrina 3 years ago. His current expression of concern is pathetic pandering.




  1. yes

  2. mccain is same as bush, they all want money. the war is about money, and nothing else

  3. McCain is showing great presidential qualities during this crisis, while the liberals are making fun of it.....

  4. Your question is exactly what I have been thinking. The fact that Bush

    & Cheney cancelled their convention speeches has really helped McCain because it will make people realize that he is not a continuation of the Bush reign. His term would not be Bush's 3rd


  5. Honestly though, we've heard enough B.S. from one convention, I don't think I could take another convention FULL of liars!

    Besides, McCain could care less about most of Louisiana.

    Awful funny that the government was ALL over this hurricane.  Seems that Bush wants to make up for the "You're doing a good job Brownie".

    Too bad that everyone remembers that Bush is inept and so is McCain

  6. Yeah.  McCain is hoping for a tragedy so he can capitalize politically.  What a sad man.

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