
Is Gustav headed towards New Orleans?

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I live in New Orleans, and if it is like another Katrina, would the city be rebulit? Do you know what the latest path has it taking? And should I evacuate? The whole city is evacuating.




  1. I live in Longview, Texas (east Texas near Shreveport) and all of our hotels are filling up now.  The Red Cross and local churches are already setting up shelters.  We don't know exactly where Gustav is heading yet, but I wouldn't wait until the last day to try to evacuate.  During Hurricane Rita, my sister tried to come up here from Houston, but never made it.  She and her husband ran out of gas and were caught in that gridlock coming out of Houston.  It was awful.  Don't let yourself get in that situation.  It's better to go ahead and be safe than sorry.

    If the hurricane does hit New Orleans, I wish you the best and hope you will be ok.

  2. not sure yet

    but might be a good idea to evacuate if you have a place to go.

    by Saturday should know for sure but by then evacuating will be slow.

  3. They started sending buses down today to evacuate the city. I'm about 45 mins away from NOLA. I truly hope Gustav does not hit. I love the city and understand how you feel about it.I feel sorry for the homeless and there is still damage from Katrina. I would recommend evacuating before Saturday, because the traffic is already becoming horrible!

    We have friends that live there and just got back into there home and now they are evacuating. I could not imagine...good luck, stay safe, I hope no one suffers any damage and I hope that Gustav heads else where...back into the gulf till he dies out..but I'm not that lucky! I don't think New Orleans will make it if it gets hit again...

  4. Man, some people just don't learn. No wonder the rest of the country thinks we're all morons

  5. I would keep a very close eye on it. They are not sure yet exactly where it is going to make landfall. Speculations are anywhere from the Texas to Florida coast.

    At the moment it is on the same path as Katrina but that doesn't mean it won't shift.

    There are talks of evacuation of New Orleans starting with the sick and elderly.

    It may be worth it to head farther inland now than to wait to last minute and possibly not get out. Also, the news is reporting that many of the hotels as far as 300 miles inland are already booked to capacity, so it may be worth it to make some plans now and be safe.

    Good Luck!

    Here is the projected path as of now..

    Oh... and to NOLA guy below.. katrina hit land as a cat. 3 storm, so noone can say this will not be similar.

  6. The other answers (most of them) are correct and it's still too early to know where Gustav will make landfall, or how strong the storm will be when it does.

    However, even the most dramatic forecasts predict Gustav will make landfall as a Category 3 storm, so it WON'T be "another Katrina".

  7. Yes, you guys have to actually evacuate 3 days before it makes landfall. Every hotel is just about booked; Espically the Best Western in Zachary, LA.

  8. I would evacuate just to be safe, but the weather channel said it looks as if it MIGHT hit West of New Orleans....let's pray it does!! Although, I hate to say that every hotel from New Orleans and up through Mississippi is booked.  I know because I have tried....

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