
Is Gustav really worse than Katrina?

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Is Gustav really worse than Katrina?




  1. Last night when it was a Cat: 4 it was worse, today it has dropped to a 3 which is the same as Katrina, The gulf waters are very warm so He will problem strengthen as the day goes on and become a 4 again.  

  2. No this morning it was categorized as a category 3 hurricane with wind speeds at 120 mph.

  3. no G come before k the further down the alphabet the stronger too i think lol  

  4. Early reports say yes. I just went through Fay in central Fl. It never even reached hurricane strength and we're under water still! Get out ASAP New Orleans!

  5. well i think Gustav is going to be worst because it killed 35 a tropical storm

    Gustav has weakened down but, when it reaches the Gulf the warm water well prolly strengthen it  

  6. Who will know until it actually makes land fall,but Katrina came ashore a sa category 3 storm. Gustav has already reached category 4 in wind speed.  Although, as of this morning, the winds were dying down some. No matter what happens, my heart goes out to all those who struggled for the last 3 years to put their lives back together,only to endure this all over again.  Fingers crossed for all of them!

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