
Is HD-DVD dead now that Warner went BluRay only?

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Is HD-DVD dead now that Warner went BluRay only?




  1. I was going to ask if someone else didn't...  I own HDDVD and would think now that BluRay has 70% of the studio market share that they have in fact won this round.  I don't see how the HD camp can do anything.  They definitely don't have a response except that "we're shocked" - no "we have a deal in the works" or anything.  They cancelled their CES press conference because they have no response that will matter.  MS doesn't care about HDDVD or it would have been on XBox 360's long ago.  I'm sure I'll be buying a BR player at some point - there are movies they have I want and only more now in the works.  So, Universal and Paramount can continue exclusive HDDVD support FOR NOW but that wasn't the answer to this move by Warner to keep HDDVD alive.  I would say it's a just a matter of time, but it's over.

  2. The war is over.  Blu-ray won.  

    This morning (1/7/08) Bill Gates spoke at the CES in Las Vegas and removed his speach on the future of HD-DVD and Microsoft.  This was to be a third of his planned presentation.

    The HD-DVD promoters cancelled their press conference at CES in response to Warner Bros. news.

    70% of Hollywood Studios are Blu-ray exclusive

    Blu-ray Discs out sold HD-DVDs 3 to 1 worldwide throughout 2007

    During this year's Christmas shopping season Blu-ray players out sold HD-DVD players 2 to 1 (even though Blu-ray players cost TWICE as much as HD-DVD players)

    And finally, the head of Warner Bros. studios said it best:

    “A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion and indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry."

  3. Uh, why would it be dead?  Blu-ray and HD-DVD will be in a on going competition for a long time.  No one is beating no one.

  4. just about

    1 more yr tops i give it

  5. Not yet..

  6. It was the last nail to its coffin.....go sony

  7. Not quite dead yet, but with Time Warner backing Blu-ray now, it pretty much set the mark on it's head. In the end, its looking like blue-ray will win the battle. But its not over yet.

  8. Warners Blu-ray decision makes HD DVD success highly doubtful but It's probably too early to immediately call it a 100% win for Blu-ray. HD DVD will struggle to survive without the support of Warner at least for now. Toshiba’s HD DVD has suffered a major setback with Warner's defection, and there is much speculation as to what Toshibas next move will be. Toshiba must now be kicking themselves regarding  the decision not to incorporate an HD DVD into the Xbox 360.

  9. HD DVD was hit hard and is scrambling to recover. They were surprised by Warners move to back BD and even cancelled the HD DVD event at this years CES.

    Warner chose to do this because Blu-Rays have outsold HD DVDs 2-1.

    Many people beleive that this spells the end of HD DVD and a win for BD, me among them

    I am a realist though and so I know that HD DVD will fight back. Expect great deals and free offers from HD DVD. This will prompts some great offers from Blu-Ray in an attempt to put the nail in the coffin. Ultimately the only way for consumers to win is for one of them to win so that all of the studios will make HD movies in a format accessable to everyone. I also expect that once Blu-Ray wins (or HD DVD if that happens) you will see second and third tier manufacturers to make players driving the price to $100 by 2009-1010.

    They have to make this happen or the window is going to close and internet HD movies are going to take over before BD has a chance to flourish. LG and Netflick have already announced an internet movie device and VUDU's machine is already available.

    So support your favorite HD format. I chose Blu-Ray so the war will end sooner rather that later.

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