
Is HD-DVD dead?

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Seeing as how walmart has now gone Blu Ray exlusive, and Best Buy and Netflix is now supporting Blu Ray significantly, is HD-DVD finally dead? Let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance!





    yeah i love the part where he tries to bring up Blades of Glory.

    ill also add some useful information

    at first glance, yes, it seems as though HD-DVD players are cheaper, but whats realyl happening, is that more cheap players are being made for HD-DVD, while Blue Ray Players all seem to have a certain standard amongst them.

    quality for quality, Blue Ray players arent really more expensive than HD-DVD players, its just that low end players dont exist.

    another issue, is that HD-DVD players no matter which model, ocassionaly spit out an error code: 408bc504, which Toshiba claims stands for a bad disc, despite the disc being sparkling clean, and even on multiple discs. its a widespread problem, not isolated to any one movie or any one model of player, and honestly people are getting frustrated getting bullshit answers from Toshiba and no real solution.

  2. Toshiba just shut down HD-DVD production.

    Blue-ray wins the format war.  End of story.

  3. Yes. HD-DVD is pretty much dead. The only 2 major movie production companies that still support HD-DVD exclusively is Paramount and Universal, but Blu-Ray has almost everything taken over:

    I'm thinking that HD-DVD will hang on for a few more months and eventually Paramount and Universal will give up on HD-DVD.

    Even though Blu-Ray DVD players are a little bit more expensive than HD-DVD players, Blu-Ray players are still outselling them. But in reality, since the PS3 came out, Blu-Ray has always dominated.

    Sony's Blu-Ray format has won this format war. By the end of this year, I'm about 90% sure that the format war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will be over with.

  4. It's headed that way it seems.  Blu-Ray is getting the backing, while HD-DVD is discounting their players substantially.  I forsee Blu-Ray winning the HD home based movie war.


    "I think the previously raging debate is approaching its conclusion and that Blu-Ray is the projected winner, Wolf."

    You might hear the above words on CNN soon.  It looks like HD-DVD will die a slow painful death.
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