
Is HD-DVD format doomed now that Warners is releasing on Blu Ray exclusively?

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I just got a new HD-DVD but have not opened it. The papers say that Warner's decision to release new material only on Blu-Ray spells the end of HD-DVD. Already Blockbuster (which I use) has stopped adding new HD-DVD for rentals. Should I return the HD-DVD player and wait for Blu Ray to come down in price? I won't be getting a PS3 or anything with a built-in Blu Ray.




  1. Sony is to exclusive, they don't allow any use of its license to other manufacturers, Blue-ray is doomed!

    HDDVD cheaper to manufacture this means it will win.

  2. Looks that way. I just read an article that said that even though blu-ray seems to be the winner, on line movies will probably be the dominate method for people to get their movies. It seems that they took too long to decide on the format and it became obsolete. Which is good for us because we won't have to keep spending money on the newest tech. I have a very large and expensive collection of DVDs and I could never afford to do it again.

  3. hd-dvd will beat blueray,just like 30 years ago when vhs beat betamax and betamax was from sony.keep the hd-dvd player

  4. Blu-Ray provided more information for a better picture than HD-DVD.

  5. Blu-ray will win.

  6. Your best bet here is to just give me the HD-DVD. That way, it won't be a waste of your money, and I will be very happy. (Just thinking of your best interests here.)

  7. As of right now different production companies have chosen one or the other.  Who knows what will happen in the future and whether things will be produced on both.  I work for blockbuster and I recommend to my customers that if they really want one I would go with the duel player.  It may cost more but in the long run you'll be able to play all three types of dvds without having to wait for the production companies to start producing on both formats.

  8. Absolutely. Almost all of the good movies are being released on Blu-ray. One of these formats is going to win out-Blu-ray.

  9. blu-ray. go for it. specially since warner does lots of kids movies and well, kid movies sell more, cuz there are tons of kids.

  10. WHAAAAAT! I never heard that! That's insane!!!

  11. Yeah, go with Bluray.

  12. No.

    Most Walmarts don't sell Blue Ray players but they do sell HD ones. Microsoft (Xbox) supports HD but Sony PS3 which sells less supports Blue Ray.

    Both formats are doomed though since video on demand is here. Plus alot of people won't want to switch their libary over to anther format.

  13. It may look a bit grim for now, but as long as Microsoft continues backing HD-DVD, I highly doubt it will die.  Just wait, Blu-Ray will fail eventually.  Every format that sony backs fails eventually.

  14. I say yes, but I tell you what, I won't buy either one, cause just when I do, that's when they will come out with something else.

    My dvd's (regular) play with great pictures, so why bother?

  15. It would appear that Time Warner just drove the stake into the heart of HD-DVD.

    The main reason is that HD-DVD holds 30GB and Blu-Ray holds 50GB.

  16. The reason that JVC's VHS beat Sony's Betamax even though it was a better format is that Sony tried to hoard the technology and didn't want to share the wealth so people would buy only Sony players. JVC however shared the technology, licencing it inexpensively to any manufacturer willing to make a VHS player or produce VHS movies. It was a winning strategy for an inferior product.

    Sony has learned from their past mistakes and partnered with a tremendous amount of partners. That is why you can only find stand alone HD DVD players from Toshiba and Onkyo(whom they have a working relationship with already) and you can find Blu-Ray players from many more manufacturers. And Blu-Ray is superior. Warner didn't chose Blu-Ray. Warner's CUSTOMERS (movie buyers) chose for them.  Warner was the last company holding out so they had a greater chance to see further down the road. They turned down millions of $$ to go HD DVD exclusive. They know what's up. Blu-Ray is inevitable. HD DVD is dead.

  17. Well yeah it's pretty much game over now for HD. The rest of the other major film companies are likley to follow suit.  

    I would return the HD player now while you can.

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