
Is HD and Blue-Ray really worth the money?

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Is HD and Blue-Ray really worth the money?




  1. by hd i guess u mean hd tvs.yeah.bluray only if u got ps3.

  2. of course. they are the new technologies. experience it mate. don't doubt. but my only advice to you is  ''buy branded items'' like Sony Tv or a Sony playstation.

  3. Yes don't go with the other questions. Blu-ray is the best DVD format out there now along side DVD. Get an HD TV now if you don't have one and yes you will see a difference in the picture quality.

  4. i'ld prefer to

    " BLUE-RAY"

    as it is declared " victorious " by the users

    and what we people just need is to wait " to settle the dust "...

    (the price to come down)

  5. o mate for sure .

    go for full hd 1080p

    blu ray pretty much the only thing that outputs full hd.

    but with the right tv its looks awsome.

  6. I bought A Xbox360 HD player before Christmas and it is just awesome compared to normal TV. Everytime I watch films my eyes are out on stalks.

    You must experience either HD DVD or Blueray to see the difference.

    Only problem is with two systems all film companies are sitting on the fence and  will only invest fully when one wins.

    Prices of discs will then fall and availability of all films on one formatt will give a greater choice than is now available for each system.

    So my answer is yes and it will get be better value as time goes on.

  7. not until the war is over I got caught in the beta/VHS.

  8. Yes its worth the money...If you want a better picture quality then YES go for HD or Blue Ray

  9. HD is just about dead - Blue ray has won out this time. However new technologies are coming out all the time - personally I plan on waiting till the dust settles (and the price goes down).

  10. simple answer: no

    long answer:

    depends on a few things.

    Firstly, what kind of TV you currently have.

    I purchased a decent flat screen 32" monitor, a few months before HD technology was released onto the maket, and the picture quality is as good as HD. In fact, most peopleassume my TV *IS* HD - the perfect proof that the picture on an HDTV is no better than the pcture on a decent flat screen.

    If you only have a fairly c**p TV at themoment, andneed to upgrade, you might as well get an HD TV.

    secondly, i'm reluctant to buy a player for HD or Blu-Ray discs for a few years, as there will be a format war, just as there was in the early 90's between VHS and Betamax.  And where can you buy a betamax video now? Anyone that bought a betamax VCR when they first came out completely wasted their money.

    The same could well be true for Blu-ray. Wait until the competition has died down, and one format is 'victorious'. Then you'll know which one to buy. With the added bonus that by waiting, the price will have gone down too!

    For now, you don't NEED an HDTV - the most interesting thing they show in HD at the moment (in the UK anyway) is the simpsons. Wait until more channels are broadcasting in HDTV - again, the price will have gone down by then, so you'll get it cheaper!

    Eventually you'll have to buy an HD - the plan is for most channels to switch over to broadcasting ONLY in HD - but those plans come into effect 2017 inthe uk, so don't panic!!!

    I feel a bit sory for all the muppets who rushed out to buy HD and now have virtually nothing to watch on it lol

    Got a good tip for you for watching regular DVDs in near-HD quality on a regular High-Res flatscreen - hook up your computer to the TV and put the DVD in your computer rather than in the DVD player.

    Even an old computer (mine was bought in the mid 90's and has a 1 gig hard drive, 128mb RAM and a pentium 2 processor) has enough processor power to hugely boost the picture quality of regular DVDs. Trust me, they look incredible.

  11. there is no point of HD

    at least for the next few years anyway

  12. HD is dead and Blu-Ray is the winner in the format war.

    If you want Hi Def TV, then go for Blu-Ray. HD is dead in the water.

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