
Is HHO technology easy? Can we really convert our cars to run on water?

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I just read this blog post.

My friend bought the kit and converted his car and now gets much better gas mileage. Well I have heard that these kits are scams and have heard they worked and a friend of mine proved it worked. So how do people still call it a scam? Also is this blog post accurate?




  1. Your friend is full of c**p. Or you're just advertising, one or the other. Proven over and over again. To convert H2O to Hydrogen, it takes power, where does it get that power from? The Battery, From the alternator, from the engine. So where's the efficiency gain? Also cars weren't designed to run on Hydrogen, it will mess with your O2 readings. Also, the amount of hydrogen you get from doing this is so minimal it's not even funny, after letting it sit for a day attached to the battery, you couldn't even inflate a balloon.

    Also, if you get twice the mileage with this, why not just cut the motor in half and run it purely on hydrogen, oooh look free power! Scientists have been trying to do this for decades and haven't even been able to create true perpetual motion yet, and some guy comes out with putting a few rods in water and creates hydrogen and figures it all out.

    Don't be so stupid. Stop Advertising.

  2. There are numerous products on the market that boast about running your car on water.

    These include;

    - Water4Gas

    - Run Your Car On Water

    - Drive With Water Fuel

    - Half Water Half Gas

    - Fuel Trips

    - Water Car Pro;

    just to name a few.

    If you are considering buying one of these guides - ensure you do your research as some are better than others, but also some are more expensive.

    Essentially the principles are the same. Creating a small system to place under your hood to create hydrogen and then direct this into your engine to mix with gas and create a more efficient engine.

    Really - all of these products do not claim that you can run your car on water only. When you really get into the detail you will realize that none of them promise this. What they do promise though is better fuel efficiency and in today's market with such high fuel coast, any alternative fuels energy sources are welcome by most people.

    What these manuals do is provide you with instructions on how to go about setting up this system. With basic materials you can create a small system under your hood that will provide hydrogen to your engine and produce a more efficient engine.

    So if you are considering converting you car over, ensure you do your research and investigate all options properly. The last thing you want to do is destroy your car. Even though it sounds skeptical, all the instruction manuals claim excellent performance of motor vehicles tested.

  3. in this day and age anything is posssible.

  4. Props to your friend! :)

    HHO technology is extremely easy.

    For your clarification: You electrocute water (h20) and separate the molecules in the process into hydrogen and oxygen of the same proportions. This oxyhydrogen (HHO) mix is highly combustible - moreso than gasoline and will combust at ignition temperature.

    Most of these nay-sayers on here will tell you its a scam because you "cant get something for nothing."  Well, that is true - you can't get something for nothing, and with HHO - you are putting something into it.

    Your vehicle must run as a hybrid with HHO. It takes more electricity to create it than you receive in return through the combustion thereof. The gasoline combustion keeps the alternator charging the battery which supplies the electricity for the reaction. The HHO in return then is combusted to raise the mileage efficiency and HP of the vehicle in use.

    This is a very simple and true concept - yet many of these noodle-heads keep shouting "scam."  Don't listen to them. Make a generator and try it out for yourself. :)

    I am part of a Alternative Energy Research Group and Hydrogen on Demand tech. is one of our key points of study.

    We have FREE plans and diagrams on our myspace page for anyone to use and make their own HHO generator. We also have hundreds of test vehicles backing our work up - and we offer tips and hints to help you along your way.

    If you're interested in the free plans or if you and your friend need any help along the way:

    is our myspace page. It's all on there. :)

    Good luck!

  5. It definitely works

    I use it

    and now i sell it!, and even install it!


    It frustrates me when people reply to these types of questions with such negative, unjustified answers. If the people who reply actually made a fuel cell instead of slating them they would see that they do work and that they do save you money.

    It's these type of people who stop these sorts of technologies from going anywhere by not trying it. But who cares, it's their loss at the end of the day.

    Anyway. Your friend isn't an idiot, and if he isn't then nor am I.

    I've had my hydrogen generator fitted for three weeks now and it's the best thing I've ever done for my van!

    I was getting 35mpg in my Vauxhall Combo 1.7ltr Diesel van and I now get 48mpg. That's an extra 13mpg or 143 miles per tank - FOR FREE!

    HHO actually burns cooler in an engine so warping is not a problem. The hydrogen helps the fuel to burn cooler so as a rule it should prolong the life of your engine by not getting so hot.

    It will mess up the oxygen levels in your engine, which only matters if you have an ECU, in which case you need to get an EFIE - a piece of equipment ,which costs around $50, that tricks the ECU so it doesn't notice the higher oxygen levels and the lower fuel usage.

    This stops the ECU from injecting more fuel into the engine to compensate for the lower level of fuel you will be using.

    I had a ton of knocking going on in my engine before I fitted the fuel cell and since fitting it's all gone! It sounds better and runs smoother.

    There will be people who reply to this question just saying SCAM but rest assured they won't have made a fuel cell so they are basically just cinical idiots. I'm saving money every time I get in my car by using water as fuel, how much you save depends on how you build it but I seem to be getting a good level of saving from my fuel cell.

    Anyway hope that helps, and if you want to SEE MY VIDEO with the unit I BUILT MYSELF then check out my blog:



  7. If you don't feel comfortable using it in your own car, you can make an informed decision by doing a research about this on the web.

    Also, there are a number of videos on Youtube about these methods.

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