
Is HIV always passed on to the sexual partner? ?

by Guest58851  |  earlier

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Is HIV always passed on to the sexual partner? ?




  1. its passed on enough lol. i wouldn't take the risk

  2. HIV is hard to catch. The chance of HIV transmission for vaginal s*x is 1 to 1000. The chance increases for anal s*x, becomes around 1 to 100. But remember HIV is not a game of probabilities. If you have unprotected s*x, you are at risk. When we say the chance is 1 to 1000 means that you might have 1000 encounter with an HIV positive person and still do not catch it OR you might have encounter with an HIV positive person and catch it the first time. These are only statistics.

    You have to always use protection when you do not know the status of your partner.

  3. Not really, there are a lot of factors. If the negative partner was female and the HIV+ male, she could be at a greater risk than if the players were switched. With the female being negative, she could would be at a higher risk. If she got his s***n in her v****a it could live there for days. Other factor would be the viral load of the HIV+ person, if it high the risk is greater than if the viral load was undetectable.

    If the couple used protection there is no risk involved, so HIV would not be passed on.

  4. if you are lucky, not always. but stop having s*x with this person and get tested immediately. then again six months later. in this time do not have s*x with a new partner, if you have the virus you will spread it. condoms are not 100% you can still pass it along.

  5. Not always. Always wear protection! Check this website for more info.

  6. Surprisingly enough no, especially if its heterosexual s*x. Having anal s*x increases the risk of transmitting HIV greatly. A doctor explained it to me once that a man with HIV can have s*x with a woman 100 times and on the 101st time, transmit the virus. Its pretty weird. Follow the link below, its pretty informative!

  7. Nope...


  9. Not always.  It is most common for men to pass HIV to women or other men during unprotected s*x, but it can be passed from women to men.  Anal s*x has a very high rate of transmission of HIV.

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