
Is Hal finally getting the spot light he didn't in Toronto?

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Okay, fine, everyone knows i like Gill.. but this isn't a puckbunny question. and anyways.. Bunny's are for girls.. i prefer Rabbit.

anyways, Today i was watching SC and Gino Reda and Matthew Barnaby were doing a segment about the penguins and wings, but they focused on Hal Gill for a bit.

now I personally don't see Hal playing any different than he did in Toronto, if you watched a great deal of leafs games like i have with Hal Gill playing, you will see what i mean by he's not playing much different. He penalty kills very well.. has a long reach, does very good infront of his own net, and is actually a very defensive defenseman.

but all of a suddon now Hal Gill is the holy grail of trade deadline day lol (well the way Gino made it sound, he basically says s***w hossa, Gill was the real pickup). Is this what it takes for a player to get the attention or publicity he needs?

this kind of Segways me into another thought with a very good player who plays for the Panthers.




  1. Yeah, it's hard to get recognized when your playing for a crappy team. It's the same as Marian Hossa coming over from Atlanta.

  2. Ah is little Chris a puck rabbit for Gill? ;) Maybe we should start a Hal fan club. I'm being dead serious too. You're to ONLY other person I know who enjoys Hal as much as me. lol

    Honestly, I DO see something different in Gill than when he was in Toronto. Yes, he was good at PKs and all and he is now, but he looks less clumbys on the know what I'm saying Chris? He doesn't look like the big jolly green giant who can't skate anymore. He doesn't look like a slug thats moving as slow as a fully grown man can go......He looks good. And I'm hoping to the lord of Hal Gill that he stays in Pittsburgh for a loooong time.

    Hal has always been the Holy Grail, what are you talkin' 'bout? lol. When I went to Toronto in Feb. about a week and a half before the trade deadline I saw a Leafs game, and the moment I saw Hal Gill I started spazzing out. lol......Now when I got home and learned that Gill would be wearing a Penguin sweater that cold trade deadline day I was spazzing out more, but eh......I guess some people don't understand my liking for Gill.

    Lmao, yeah.....As long as Gino thinks you're cool you're going to be the hockey town hero. ;D

  3. Gill was a third-line d-man because the Leafs have Kaberle for actual defense; as well as McCabe and Kubina, to a certain extent. The Penguins desperately needed defensive d-man if they wanted to make a serious run in the playoffs (which they have) and Gill was the man fit for the price. I honestly didn't think he'd do THIS good for them though, and thought the Leafs had the better end of the deal. But in the end, I think the deal benefitted both parties. Maybe that was just me being a homer

  4. Ive seen all the pens games since the trade deadline. Now im not saying Gill is the second comming of Bobby Orr, but he is a very solid defenseman. His sheer size and reach alone make him a force to deal with. He clears the front of the net very well, and he makes smart decissons. Plus he is one h**l of a penalty killer.

  5. There are many players who (a) are talented but go unnoticed because of who they play for, and (b) who don't look great until they are traded to another team.

      Gill played well for the Leafs.  He's playing better for Pitt.  Pitt's a better team than the Leafs and as a result Gill's role is more succinct - he doesn't have to run around covering for mistakes made by his teammates as much.

       Gill is just another Leaf who we (I am a Leaf fan) got rid of who looks great in another uniform!  Can you say: Jason Smith, some 40+ goals for that ex-Leaf in St Louis, Gill..... oh, the list is seemingly endless!

      As an aside, I am appalled at the Leafs trade away of Belak!  The guy did everything they ever asked of him - "play defence" - he played defence; "play forward" - he played forward; "fight" - he fought; "sit in the press box" - he sat in the press box.... with never a 'whine or cheese' from him.... all for under $1 million per year!  If all pro athletes had Belak's attitude, there would not be so many (justified) athlete haters out there!

      As for Horton, yes, he is a gifted player.  Those of us in regular season hockey pools know this!  Those who watch the occassional NHL game here and there do not...

       As for Gino Reda calling Gill the "Holy Grail of deadline deals"... well, I met Reda two years ago (as my Brother was honoured as coach of the year in Ontario at the HHOF) and Reda is just doing his job - he sees who is left playing and who has made a surprising difference after being traded - Hal Gill fits that bill quite well whereas Hossa was expected to make a difference...

  6. i think russ tik guy should get best answer.

    yeah tsn is loving off the hal gill, the only one who doesn't give him his due is surprise surprise mike millbury. lol.

    anyways it's easy to go unnoticed when you're a middle of the pack player playing in a middle of the pack bottom team. i don't think gilly ever made us any better, or feel more secure with the teams status and russ tik is right, there are tonnes of players who have donned leafs jersey who have gone elsewhere and were rediscovered/rejuvinated their career. i'm sure most leafs fans were unhappy with the gill aquisition, and that some actually appreciated his attempt at defence.

    i didn't know you loved him, but i guess now certain things you say about him makes sense.

  7. He's a good Defensive D-Man....I hate him because he ruined the Pens/Rangers series for me.You got to take it into note that he's on hockeys most popular team at the moment so he's gonna get alot of publicity especially if he's doing good.

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