
Is Harley going to start selling MV Agusta bikes at the regular dealers?

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I just found out this morning that Harley bought MV Agusta. Are they good bikes? Someone I know said they were horrible. Are they all fuel injected?




  1. A friend familiar with the deal says Harleys prime interest in purching this company was to get ahold of there small displacement scooter business. So get ready Harley guy for Vespa type scooters being sold alongside your Road Kings and Softails. It will be cool to see people riding chromed out scooters wearing Harley T shirts.

  2. Probably not if the story is even true.

  3. Interesting - didn't work that well for Harley the last time they did this - It's happened before with Aeromacci, Aeromacci built Sprints and Baja's for Harley.

    EDIT:  Arm the Homeless - thanks for the link!

    It would give them another part of the market - some formerly non riders are looking into getting bikes/scooters to save on gas - I would assume these types of folks would be intimidated by the big VTwins and Supersport types.

  4. Yes the deal happened...  yes they will sell them here... gas prices are not going away... Vrod did not capture the youth market... HD is not stupid they need to change with the times, or at least adapt... that dumb management team managed to post a profit in the first quarter despite 12.8 % dip in sales. I'm tired of telling people to get their facts straight so I'm inventing the acronym GYFS! You'll see it a lot.

  5. Very Interesting.

    MV Agusta has and does make some great sport bikes.  Check out their website.  Curious to see what models may come of this in the future.  Interesting that Claudio Castiglioni will be hanging around as chairman.  He's a legend with Italian sport bikes.

  6. It seems   "the acquistion is meant to expand Harley-Davidson's presence in Europe"   so I doubt they'll sell them at the Harley dealerships , but I hope they do.

  7. It is true that Harley bought MV, but I don't think they will sell them in a Harley shop. You may see more MV dealerships in the US now though.

  8. waaat no way.

    MV Agustas are awesome. 4cyl, 4 pipes. Yes, they're fuel injected.

  9. things seem to have come full circle.

    in 1978 AMF sold their Harley Italian Aermacchi factory to the Castiglioni brothers who used it  primarily to build Cagiva & Ducati motorcycles. now their buying it back & keeping one of the Castiglionis on as director.

    this is the 3rd time in 4 years that mv agusta has been sold.

    looks like harleys brilliant management team has figured out yet another way to lose money.

    its deja vu all over again, but a european plant WILL make it easier to sell in the european common market.

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