
Is Harry Potters scar a horcrux?

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is it possible that voldemort made the scar a horcrux when he gave it to Harry?




  1. his scar is a connection b/t him and voldemort, but it isn't a horcrux.

    harry potter HIMSELF is the horcrux. when voldemort tried to kill baby harry, a piece of voldemorts soul went into harry so he became a horcrux.

  2. I don't know if you have read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where everything is explained in great detail. But as a simple answer so not to create any spoilers it is not.

  3. i'm an hp fan to the end so i know this:the scar is not really the's the connction between harry and voldemort.the night harry was almost killed by voldemort,as you know,voldemort was almost killed.but it's also due to the scar that harry became a horcrux.harry is the horcrux.not the the scar,in a literal state,is part of the horcrux which is harry.

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