
Is Hawaii in america?

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ive been reading up about hawaii, and despratly want to get married there!

but ive also been thinking about what it would be like to live there? but i dont know anything about hawaii:

is it its own country or is it a state of america?

What language do they speak?

Which island is the best place to live?

Is it REALLY that expensive to live there?

Is it safe?

Does it have a Low Crime rate?

What kind of work is available (im training to be a nurse, and my boyfriend a plumber)

Whats the typical wage of a nurse/plumber?

Any other info would be GREAT!





  1. To answer your questions:

    1.  Yes, Hawaii is a state.  Hawaii became the 50th US state in 1959.

    2.  We speak English officially, however, Hawaiian is also an official language of Hawaii.

    3.  What island is best for you to live on depends on what kind of lifestyle you're looking for.  Oahu is the most populated island and since it also has the capital of Hawaii (Honolulu), it also has the most job opportunities.  Maui is second most populated and follows the job market accordingly.  Kauai and the Big Island (named Hawaii) are the most laid back in terms of lifestyle and jobs are hard to find in general.  Molokai is a one stoplight kind of island and jobs are impossible to come by.

    4.  Yes, it is really expensive to live here.  The median house price is $700k and your house is often less than 1800 sq ft including the yard area (IF you have one).  Milk is $6/gallon.  Bread is $4 loaf (for good bread).  Eggs are $4/12.  Cereal is $5/box.  Everything is shipped here from the mainland via barge so farm fresh produce is hard to find (with the exception of the higher priced locally grown produce) and priced accordingly.  Gas is close to $4.50 for regular gas here on Oahu and over $5.00 on the outer islands.

    5.  Is it safe?  Yes, I would like to think that we are safer here than in some areas of the mainland but care must be taken to find a safe place to live (don't try and live in Waianae if you're fresh from the mainland, you'll be very unhappy if you try that).  Most neighborhoods are very safe as long as you treat everyone with respect.

    6.  The crime rate is pretty good here.  Where can the criminals go?.... we live on an island for goodness sakes!  We have occasional major crime events but those are very rare.

    7.  As far as work is concerned, as a nurse and a plumber, you should have no problem finding a job here as both of those professions are in short supply here (especially nursing).

    That being said, be very sure you can live here BEFORE you move here.  Keep in mind that once you move here, you cannot go anywhere without getting on a plane and it's accompanying fares.  Also, since island life moves at a slower pace, if you're looking for a social scene, you're not going to find it here.

    I would suggest you take a trip here on vacation to see moving here is really an option.  That way you can experience the culture, way of life, and the cost of living for yourself.

    Hope this helps you......good luck!

  2. Year 'round temp range 60's to 90 degrees.  Relatively low crime rate -  13 murders so far in 2008 with over 1 million residents, not including tourists visiting.  Theft is probably the most common crime, but I feel VERY safe. Traffic can be a problem.  Live near your work.  Average median price for a house is $600k.  Look on craigslist for real estate and/or rentals to get accurate prices.  Both of you should easily find work and pay to live here.    General living expenses is sort of expensive, but if you like outdoor activities then it's well worth it.  People are generally very friendly.  Tap water is clean.  Everyone I've met who has moved here from the mainland loves it.  EVERYONE!  I think you'll agree.  Many different ethnicities, cultures, and cuisine that comes together and makes this place a very unique and beautiful place.  When you get married here, you'll see if this is what you like.  BTW, to get married at a beach, you now need to get a permit.  You should look at the website for info.  Makapu'u beach on Oahu is a great place for a wedding ceremony.  Oahu is the main island, where I am from.

  3. do you have an atlas?  can you type Hawaii into google?  yes it's a state of the united states!  they speak English!  and Hawaiian.  and whatever language the folks who are also living there speak, like Japanese and Korean.  it is a HUGE wedding site.  yes it is very expensive to live there, like California.  it is mostly safe.  it has some crime, mostly theft.  it has a drug problem tho, mostly crystal meth.  the best island depends on your taste; they all have their pros and cons.  as far as jobs, seems to be that nurses and plumbers are always in demand no matter where you live.  you really need to start researching on your own; you have far too many concerns to be answered here.

  4. Hawai'i is apart of the United States.

    English is the primary language.

    For city living, Oahu is the island. For country living, it's the rest.

    Gas and rent is really expensive compared to the Mainland, but everything else is generally the same.

    Yes, it is safe.

    Yes, Hawai'i has a low crime rate.

    Nursing is perfect for Hawaii. That is one of the top positions in need in Hawaii. Other kind of work are mostly hospitality because our main economy is tourism. Hawaii lacks well-trained plumbers, so if your BF is one, please come!

    I'm not sure on the wages, but they're definitely over $15/hour.  

  5. Hawaii is part of the United States of America.  It was the 50th and final state to join the union in 1959.  The official language is English, and I think there is a minority of Japanese speakers.  Oahu is the most well-known of the islands and is where most of the population live and work.  The capital city of Honolulu, Hawaii's largest city, is on the island of Oahu.  I don't think crime is as big a problem there as some other places in America, but sure, bad things happen there as they do everywhere. Just watch Dog the Bounty Hunter!  As long as there are sick people and running water in Hawaii, then you and your boyfriend shouldn't have much problem securing a job.  I am guessing the wages would be a little more than other states because the cost of living is higher.  I could be wrong about that, though.

  6. An RN and a good plumber can do well in Hawaii, but PLEASE read more about our US State before coming!  That naivete does NOT go over well with local people here.  The crime rate is low compared with many cities, but there is a meth problem and some areas have property crime.  It is REALLY that expensive to live here!  Check for more info (it may be .org).  It's a free state-run job site.  

  7. ok I've lived in hawaii eversince I was born. Like what everyone else says, it's a part of the USA the 50th and so far last discovered state for amarica. The main language there is English, but most of the locals know pigion, which is a language and there is almost every language there but almost everyone there speaks English. You will defenatly like a lot of things here in Hawaii, first of all Hawaii has so many different cultures, from food, to religion, you'll never get bored! And you will probably want to stay. The crime mostly happens in certain areas so I would suggest staying in safer area (not mentioning names!) I think you'd make a good nurse there so don't hesatate to come here!  

  8. is it its own country or is it a state of america?

    It is a state of America

    What language do they speak?

    English! Lol. There are people of all kinds of races there.

    Other Languages are; Filipino, Japanese, Hawaiian . Etc.

    You don't have to worry, though. The people speak English. x3

    Which island is the best place to live?

    I live on Oahu.

    Is it REALLY that expensive to live there?


    Is it safe?

    Yes, It's safe.

    Does it have a Low Crime rate?

    VERY low Crime rate.

    What kind of work is available (im training to be a nurse, and my boyfriend a plumber)

    You get paid pretty good for the both of those, I'm pretty sure.

  9. Of course Hawaii is a state english any island is good to live on yea it's kinda expensive to live there crime rate is about the same all over nursing jobs are job and so are plumbers wages are about the same as the west coast.

  10. The source has a little history of Hawaii. First contact between the islands and Europeans was in the 1770's when USA was declaring their independence from England. European technology (ships, guns, metallurgy) allowed Kamehameha to conquer the other islands and form a kingdom.

    - The europeans overthrew the kingdom in 1893 and shortly thereafter became a territory of the United States.


    There is only a few thousand pure Hawaians left on the islands. Most of the others died from disease and overwork. So many different people emigrated to the islands that they a pidgin language developed ( English with a mixture of Hawaiian, Spanish, and Japanese vocabulary).  

  11. People have answered most of your questions already.  Nurses make somewhere around 60 to 90K and up, depending on the type of job that you are doing & your experience.  The major hospitals are unionized.  I don't know how much a plumber makes, but I do know when I need to call one I think they must be doing OK.

  12. Hi,

    Hawaii is a state.

    I was Married in Hawaii even though I lived in Oregon. Just call a marriage licensing place and set a date to fill out the paperwork (has to be done 24 hours ahead of time I think.)

    Also there are several wedding planners there that are used to out of state weddings and will help you greatly with everything.

    My wedding was beautiful!! I hope you do it!! Good luck,


    I wanted to live there too but found out it is expensive and am afraid of their bugs.

    Don't let that get in the way of your dreams though, you can always make money and get a pest control person.

    They speak English, and the best island to live on is probably the big island

    Sorry I don't know the rest.
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