
Is Hawaii part of Asia or North America?

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I know it is part of the U.S., but it is pretty much half way between Asia and North America. My dad says it is a part of Asia, but I think differently.Please site sources. THANKS IN ADVANCE TO ALL WHO ANSWER!




  1. i believe it's part of the Polynesian subgroup of Oceania. and not a part of either one although it is a state in the United States.

  2. It is part of North America. Infact it is one of the last of two states that got added to the US.

  3. Neither; North America and Asia are continents, and islands are not parts of continents (except of course when an island IS a continent, as with Australia).  Typically, Pacific Islands are considered part of "Oceania."

    Being part of the U.S. DOES NOT make it part of North America.  The 49 other U.S. states are referred to as "the continental U.S." for that reason.    Hawai is not part of the continental U.S.A


    con·ti·nent –noun

    1. one of the main landmasses of the globe, usually reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).

    2. a comparable landmass on another planet.

    3. the mainland, as distinguished from islands or peninsulas.

    4. a continuous tract or extent, as of land.

  4. Hawaii is on the Pacific plate.

    Asia is made up of of part of the Eurasian plate and the Indian subcontinental plate.

    North America is on the North American plate

  5. NORTH AMERICA  what school do u go to that teaches you that?

  6. whew!!!......................and Geography teachers are out of work.........go figure!

  7. its on the same plate as Australia, so its Oceania!

  8. Hawaii is a state in the USA, that is North American.

  9. It's part of the United States. Its the 50th state to be added.  and the US is part of North America, so Hawaii is part of North America

  10. Politically it is a part of North America because the US claims it as the 50th state...  

    Hawaii is physiographically and ethnologically part of the Polynesian subregion of Oceania.

  11. it's part of U.S because it's one of our 50 states.

  12. if it is part of US where is US part of?? IT IS PART OF NORTH AMERICA!!!!!!!!

  13. north america cause it's part of the US which is part of north america so yeah, north america

  14. geographically, hawaii is closer to north america than it is to asia. but id say it is apart of the many pacific islands instead of any large continent. look at Polynesia and Tahiti, they may belong to another country, but are they linked with a larger continent?

  15. Hawaii is part of Oceania i.e. north america

    Hawaii is a different story. Hawaii was a recognized sovereign state through out most of the 19th century. Towards the end of the 19th century, American settlers and businessmen led a coup that overthrew the Queen and monarchy of Hawaii. It was around this time, that America became interested in becoming an Asian power and acquired the Philippines from the Spanish. Hawaii was considered a necessary base for American military vessels traveling in the Pacific on route to the Philippines and China. It is no coincidence therefore that the United States made Hawaii a territory of the United States at the same time that the Philippines were occupied.

    Although Americans toyed with the idea of keeping the Philippines as American territory, they eventually granted it independence after World War II. But they kept military bases on the islands to enable them to extend their power to the Asian mainland. The Philippines were unique in that way having become territory of the United States that achieved independence.

    Hawaii was also a territory like Alaska until the middle of the twentieth century. Indeed the US submitted annual reports to the UN decolonization office about the status of Hawaii. Then congress made Hawaii a state.

    Hawaii resembles the rest of the United States in many ways. It has a similar infrastructure and monetary system. But it maintains a separate regional and perhaps national identity. Most residents of Hawaii are Asian. Native born Hawaiians tend to look down on outsiders from the mainland. The islands have no physical contiguity with the United States. In deed, some say that the United States absorbed Hawaii out of fear that the Japanese, a rapidly expanding power in the 19th century, would use its numerous settlers in Hawaii to take over the islands for itself.

    In the Hawaii of today there are nationalist or sovereignty movements that claim that the US annexation of Hawaii was an illegal act. They demand an independent Hawaiian nation and self determination for its people.

  16. It is part of USA =)

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