
Is Hawk-Eye being used in the French Open tennis tournament?

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I've been watching a few games and everytime there's a close call the umpire comes down and checks the court for the ball marks left in the clay. At the same time, no players seem to be using any challenges, if indeed they even have any.

Thus, if Hawk-Eye is not being utilised, what's the reason for that? It works pretty well if you ask me.




  1. Nope. The ball leaves marks in the clay so they players or the umpire can just go look at the mark if there is question about a ball being out.

  2. No it isn't being used at the French Open, because the ball leaves a mark on the clay that can be checked.   However, there are a lot of pundits, like Mary Carillo and Pam Shriver, who think that Hawk-Eye should  be used on clay, because sometimes the mark that the umpire sees could be from a different shot.  Hawk-Eye would take the guess work out of it.

  3. No,

    The french will never go this low, you silly Ameerican.


  4. Because you can see the ball mark clearly in the clay so there is no need for hawk-eye

  5. no.  the ball marks are pretty clear and so they don't need the Hawk-eye.

  6. The reason being is that you can see the mark on the clay surface.  They only show it for the benefit of TV viewers...

    Here is a good article by Andy Murry wanting the technology in France...

    However this year it will be used at Wimbledon.

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