
Is Hawking Radiation accepted as fact or is it just a theory?

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Concerning the LHC..

How come it is accepted even though it has never been observed?




  1. It's still controversial, as is the very existence of black holes.  It's something like this:  If such a dense object exists, then based on the science we know so far, it should have these properties.  There is some hope that the LHC will be able to generate microscopic black holes, allowing them to be studied.

  2. From what I have heard you are right that is has not been observed. I don't believe many accept it as fact as accepting things as fact with no evidence wouldn't help their titles as scientists. I believe the main argument against opponents of the LHC is that their are particles colliding at speed d**n near to the speed of light all the time in the universe (the universe is a big place so even rare events are certainties) yet we have yet to observe tiny black holes dotting the universe.

    But back to the topic of Hawking Radiation. Since it has yet to be observed after all this time I believe the theory is sliding onto thin ice in the science communites eys.

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