
Is He g*y? I Need Yahoo Answers' Help!?

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How do you know a guys g*y? This boy has a reputation around school for being called g*y, but it's more of a what if/ what if he's not type of situation. He's very into himself and i've been told he's very sensitive. He's shy and has never had a girlfriend.

What's your opinion?




  1. well everyone is saying he is g*y but the only way you r gonna know is if he tells you! I'm a freshman and ive never had a boyfriend but I'm not a L*****n. But the advise i have for you that if you really wanted to know than ask him. whats the worst thing he could do?

    I'm hoping you don't take all that the wrong way :)

    please add me on yahoo?


  2. I agree with wannabe


    WHY DONT YOU JUST GO AND ASK HIM (hmmm now that would be awkward!)

  3. Lmao, don't listen to guys opinions. Some of them, well, are anti-g*y.

    Anyways .. yeah, he's possibly g*y.

  4. maybe since hes shy hes to shy to ask a girl out

  5. doesnt sound like much to me

    rumores are just rumors in life

    guys can be sensitive and not be g*y it's fine

    and shy is no big thing now a days

    I'd say it's a toss up

    u'd have to ask the guy or spend time w/him to get to know REALLY

    n i dont mean to be rude but maybe u wanna ask this on advicenators 'cause they seem more serious w/responses...some of these people r just stupid n messin' w/you i thinjk

  6. Not necessarily and it's incredibly shallow to label him that.

    You get fat butch girls, doesn't mean they're all lesbians.

    People are different.

  7. well he might be just a shy person but if he is into himself like if he looks in the mirror and that well if so he might be

  8. He probably is not g*y, just a bit shy.  but then again I haven't seen this guy before.  

  9. That's for him to know. Unless, of course, you happen to be interested in him. Then you'd have to ask. But you can't judge him by what people call him in school. g*y is just a lame "insult" people have come up with.

  10. Well.

    See I have this g*y friend. He is extremely sensitive like if you say something very horrid he legs it.

    So one way you can spot if someone is g*y is their sence of dressing.

    If they dress all like a diva with skinny fit jeans and scarves then they are extremely easy to spot. Not forgetting the accent and all of that.

  11. That doesnt mean he's g*y.  Are you?

  12. Yeah he's g*y and so are you.

  13. 1)How the h**l are we supposed to know???

    2)Just because somebody is shy and sensitive does NOT mean they are g*y.

    3)Rumor's are just rumor's,don't listen to other people about that kind of stuff if they don't  have proof or if they person you're talking about tell's you.

    4)How old are you?You should know this dude.

    5)If you are g*y you should know that if you aren't acting the way he is since your g*y,why should that mean he is??

    Hope this helps:)

  14. Instead of wondering and asking other ppl why dont you ask him yourself.

    I mean most guys are asses and will say they are g*y just because they dont talk to other guys. being shy is just being shy not being g*y.

    So like i said ask him or leave it alone

  15. here is how you you can get to the bottom of this, tell him that you want to check his prostate then when he opens his butt cheeks look at the balloon knot and check for gaping....

  16. That's rather hard to pin down from here dude....but you know rumors are started from NOTHING and grow into monsters...give the poor guy the benefit of doubt without  the facts!.....

  17. I got an idea. WHY don't you NOT CARE about that, and just be a friend.

    That way if you find out in conversation and friendship EITHER way you will have found out as a friend and not an agenda,

    like you want to hurt him, or date him..

    Why don't you just not care and be a friend?

  18. Sounds like he's a disco dancing, Oscar Wilde reading, Streisand ticket holding friend of Dorothy to me.

  19. just because he has never had a girlfriend and is sensitive doesnt mean hes g*y. some guys are sensitive and are straight. if he has made a move on a guy then yeah hes g*y.

  20. Not enough information to make the call. Hmm...

  21. he would proably be g*y if he says he is,you she him have p**n pics of guys, or if he wears tight jeans and has a prpy attitude

  22. That's not enough information. Not all shy males are g*y, and not all g*y males are shy. You'll know he's g*y if you see him dating guys, not girls.

    If you know the guy fairly well then ask him...otherwise it's not really anyone's business and considering you all are "school age", coming out probably isn't great due to too many people being closed-minded, judgemental, and mean about it.

    With the persecution g**s still have to put up with, I can see why many don't come out of the closet until they are well into adulthood...if ever.

  23. I watched this one movie where this guy through a rock at a mower and it came back and hit his head. hahaha. it was pretty funny.


    yeah probably

  24. Tell him to call me, i'll find out!

  25. he could be but tumors are sometimes just rumors

  26. You can't really stereotype someone into being g*y because they are a certain way. Unless he openly says hes g*y, don't assume so unless he tells you. No one likes rumors to be spread about them. Plus even if he is g*y, why do you care, do you wanna bone him?

  27. The best way to find out is to ask him.

  28. The only way to find out is to be friends with him, which we are not. I say you do it and be a REAL friend, if you're interested. Maybe he'll tell you he is, or maybe it will turn out it really is gossip.

  29. Unless someone trustworthy comes forward and says they witnessed this guy having s*x with another guy, there's no way to know unless you choose to believe in rumors that could be started for mean reasons. BTW your avatar is gayer than that boy lol

  30. Um, sounds like gossip, how do you know he's sensitive and dosen't have a girlfriend.

  31. You know a guy's g*y when you ask him and he says yes.

    He's very into himself?  Isn't that more of a macho heterosexual trait?

    You say he's never had a gf, but has he had a bf?

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