
Is Heck where people go when they don't believe in Gosh?

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Is Heck where people go when they don't believe in Gosh?




  1. Dang.  You figgered it out.


  2. Lots of people believe in Gosh, but will still end up in heck.  That''s because it's not enough to merely believe in Gosh, but you have to embrace his son, Jiminy Cricket (although some cultures know him as Gee Whiz.)  

  3. I don't know, ask Phil, the ruler of Heck.

  4. People go to h**l when they don't believe in God.

  5. There are many Hecks (or is it Hacks), but there's only one Gosh Almighty!

    God in the midst of thee is Mighty!

  6. In this situation, it is not cussing to say h**l is where people go who don't believe in God.

    But thank you for trying to be sensitive.

  7. heehee. I say what the heck? or what in the world? or, oh my goodness! lol my friend hates when i say oh my goodness because i remind her of shirley temple. She says, what the french toast. haha so i guess if it's OK with Jesus it's ok with me (idk if what the french toast is appropriate) haha

  8. Spiritually speaking? Yes.

  9. That would be a question for Heckel & Jeckel...drat.

  10. Can you watch your language, I'm offended by censorship.

  11. What the foop kind of question is that? Everybody knows that people who don't believe in Gosh go to heck, dang it.

  12. Aw, shucks...

  13. well...sort of. its where u go when u dont believe that u need Savior and that Jesus isnt ur Savior, in other words the only way u go to heaven is by acknowledging that u need a Savior and that Savior is Jesus Christ.

    i hope this helped!

    have a great day!

    best wishes!

  14. Osh cosh by gosh.

  15. Well, if you don't believe in God, then it's your belief, and God wouldn't send you to heck if it's what you believe in.  

  16. Yes, such people are darned to Heck for a really long time.  

  17. Only if they've been Darned.

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