
Is Highschool Really Bad

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usually people are always saying "Oh relax, it's no big deal, you'll be fine." but, i walk by the school in 8th grade to get home and i always hear people yell out stuff at me. (b*tch, ugly, at one point 'freshman until they realized i was still an 8th grader) people i know tend to yell back when someone says stuff (which dosen't really happen) but i know things escalte like that.

than the fact that i'm shy so i don't know anyone and that school and my small group of friends will most likely be split apart.

O_O think of luch time!

than the school is overly crowded and they basically have little to no lockers.

people say make friends and you're all good.

how do i get over my shyness and avoid being called a weirdo

my ability to make friends is extremely strange. (it's not just me saying it either.)

how do i survive without being thrown in a trash can or bullied by crazed girls?!




  1. sorry to say, but HS was pure h**l for me. I was assulted in HS, the d**n school & my family refused to do a d**n thing about it too.

    The guy who did it too, his stupid girlfriend was in all 7 of my classes, & the shcool refused to change my classes too.

    It took everything i had to gradaute too.

  2. High School can be filled with drama, and if you're like me, you have to try your best to avoid it. Don't get confrontational, people try to see how you will react, they may say something out of line or inappropriate, but just be nonchalant about it and act like you don't care, but not to the point where they think they can bully you around.

    You shouldn't feel nervous about lunch time, although its natural as i felt so as well when i moved to a new school. Use it as a medium to make new friendships, one of my best friends i have right now was met through the lunch room. Look for a group of people you can mesh with, ask if you can sit with them, and engage in conversations. If you know somebody in that table, even better, if not, well then theres more people to get to know.

    One thing to remember is your not alone, other kids have the same anxiety as you and are looking for friends, so just let it work out.  

  3. ppl are right just relax, u might get tired of hearing the same thing all over again, but to be honest they are telling u the truth.

    and from ur experience u sure they were yelling at u? cuz if they were they were pretty lame, cuz they  used to be a freshie too, just relax, and be normal.

    if u know any of ur friends who are going to the same school then its even better u shouldnt feel nervous at all.

  4. No, it isn't that bad.

    In ten years, you'll consider High School to be some of the best times you've had. Little do we realize how much we really enjoy it while it is happening; but only in hindsight and reminiscence do our fondest memories appear.

    Cheers and Good Luck!

  5. Hey dont worry about it. Im in grade 11 right now and i was in the same position you are in. These people who are yelling at you just want to intimidate you and are probobly not worth your time if they are yelling at you. Its up to you if you want to confront them, you did the safest thing in walking away and the smartest thing. That has never happend to me so i dont know what I would have done. Dont worry if your shy. I consider myself shy, but find something in common with people. Im athletic so i try to talk to people who play sports and find a common interest with them thats how i met a lot of my friends, even though many of my friends transfered to the same school with me. Just be yourself and if people dont like you then thats their problem there are bound to be lots of people to be your friend. Good luck highschool is alot of fun and is not bad at all.

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