
Is Hillary Clinton a sexist? Is the primary reason you are you voting for her is because she is a woman?

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On NPR today she was speaking and had mentioned that many of our nations failures in regard to golbal warming were because there are men making the decisions. This is not the exact wording however I was left shocked.

I am insulted as a man and will make sure never to vote for her now.

I am sick and tired of all her sexist remarks.

If I am wrong about this please be specific in telling my why.

If I ever made this comment in reverse I would without question be labeled a sexist.




  1. IF she's sexist then so what? Men have been sexist for years. You can't tell me that there will be no men that will not vote for Ms. Clinton simply because she's a woman? There will be women that vote for her simply because she is a woman. There are Christian organizations that are actively seeking a religious candidate. If an Atheist was the hands down most qualified candidate they would not vote for him/her for that reason. Very few voters actually vote the issues. They vote for who looks the best or wears the right clothes or has the right religion or any other reason they find appealing.

  2. A vote for Hillary would be a change  . And that would be better than no change   !!

  3. Like every other card in the deck the Ol Hillster won't hesitate to play the gender card if she thinks it will get her a few more votes.  If you have been following the postings here you should know that many, many women will vote for Hillary simply because she is a woman!  Makes no sense but that's the way it is.

  4. I don't think she's actually sexist. I just think she's willing to say or do anything to get into office. She'll play any mudraking card in the deck. The reason being, she's an amoral, power hungry nutjob. Victory at any price kinda person. Can't stand her.

  5. You took that comment totally out of context.  Fact is, hillary's problem is that she is a woman. Most men do no like a strong, educated, intelligent woman.  She is the most qualified of all the candidates, and she is certainly not sexist.  Let's face it, politics is dominated by men, has been since before they allowed women to vote.

  6. Hillary Clinton could have been wrong on accusing men of causing global warming but her other issues were right such as giving 5,000 dollars to each new born child.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  7. She may or not be sexist, but married to the pig she is, I would be sexist to some degree. I wouldn't mind having a woman president, but not this thing. She is a disgrace to politics.

  8. Many women hate Hillary & won't vote for her simply because she is a woman. On the other hand, many men recognize & admire her intelligence & strenghth and will vote for her. And no, she is not sexist, she happens to be right. Why are you so afraid to give women a chance? Men have had many opportunities to s***w up, and have done so big time...particularly this last joker. Perhaps a woman will make a difference. It's time for a change, why are you so against that? Are you so afraid that she'll do a better job than most men? I suspect a lot of Senator Clinton's detractors are afraid of just that. That's the real reason why they're accussing, lying, name calling & giving her so much heat. Be original...stop repeating the same c**p. Grow up and get over it!

  9. I think she might have been referring to the "good ole boys" in the oil business.  They have indeed set us back in the alternative fuel area.  I never really thought about it being a sexist idea since it is very true, although, I'm sure by now some women have also been involved in that circle.

  10. the only reason i would vote for Hillary is if I suddenly got a severe case of masochism.  Many of the liberal extremists have apparently forgotten the first  Clinton..."legacy" but I havent.  The idea that somehow she "didnt know" or "wasnt involved" in something that close to her is clear fantasy.

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