
Is Hillary Clinton being disillusional about possibly having Obama as her running mate?

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  1. Hillary is a power hungry snake.

    she will stop at ( nothing ) to win.

    it doesn't matter who she has to have as a running mate,she

    will lie,cover-up,or anything else in order to gain power.

    she is a very evil woman

  2. yes, how can you be runner-up and suggest a job for the one in first place?

    she's got hugh ones to do that.

  3. It's called "blind ambition" driven by an insatiable desire and an obsessive lust for power.

  4. I don't know about "disillusional" but she is being delusional.

  5. Yes, I hate that power hungry ****

  6. Hillary would never do that.

  7. I think she's insulting him. He's ahead in every category.

  8. The Clintons will say whatever it takes to gain power

    how is 2nd place going to say that the frontrunner should take the lower job.....

    The worst part is that Hil supporters are eating this BS up

  9. Party unity!

  10. yes

  11. Well since we are using made up words I will say that Hillary is being "unrealistical".

  12. She is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is not so bright and is clutching at straws.  Have you ever seen a second place person offer a first place person a the second place spot. Kinda crazy! Obama will never have Clinton as a VP. She would pro bally have him killed because she wants prez. so bad

  13. i think it's an interesting campaign strategy.

    if there are obama voters that like her too, there could be some percentage swayed to vote for her if that meant it got both of them into the white house.

    the thought of them ending up on the same ticket is nothing new, but right now it doesn't seem like obama needs to be concerned over running for vice president....even though she never did exactly say he'd be the one in the vice chair....

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