
Is Hillary Clinton partaking in "gutter" poliitics?

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If you haven't been listening to the political pundits from New York City to Hollywood, maybe you should! As

for me, a middle class citizen in the great New York City all I hear from the media is how great Mr. Obama is (true) and how the Clinton machine is knee deep in a "gutter" political strategy. Based on her recent endorsements of a commercial that is meant to strike fear in parents by asking the question "Who would you want to answer the call?" Let's think about this commercial, it shows your kids sleeping (reminds me of a home security commmercial) and then "the 3am call to the White House!" Who is on the other end? I'm guessing her security advisers...Advisers have absolutely nothing to do with Hillary's "experience" in regards to national security. Mr. Obama would answer that call just as Hillary would. But Mr. Obama would not jump at the chance to vote "YES" for a war in Iraq that has no legs whatsoever. Take that experience and run with it...GUTTER POLITICS...VOTE FOR




  1. sit down and grab a cold one, cause you aint seen nothin' yet.

  2. She hasn't asked anything that shouldn't have been asked by the media this week. Her ad is not fear-mongering, it is a legitimate question and I would assume most people would think of the name of their candidate at the end of it (if they were not, apparently, hiding under the bed), heck John McCain and Obama have got mileage out of it.

    Her supposed gutter politics concern Rezko, the shady developer Obama had dealings with and NAFTA, where he said there was no meeting and then had to come back a few days later and admit there was when a memo surfaced.

    So what, we are supposed to just ignore all of this?

    No, rather than question Obama let's just actually smear Hillary for her apparent smears of Obama.

    If he can't handle this how is he going to handle the Republicans. This is child's play.

  3. Hollywood celebrities are hardly political pundits. A majority of them are spoiled brats, with nary a moral compass to guide them. Life is no more complicated than the next kilo. I don't depend on them for entertainment, nor do I depend on them for my political insight...and if you do, shame on you. They are a veritable "appendix" on the Body politic. They are there, but more often known for causing infection than for anything useful.

  4. The commercial you complain about it a cliche.  Mondale used it against Gary Hart, and Reagan used it against Mondale.

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