
Is Hillary Clinton trying to write off the African American vote?

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have the clintons forgotten who put bill in the white house ?wasn't it the African American voter who gave Bill Clinton the presidency twice ? , so why is hillary talking so much about these blue collar white hard working voters when they want vote for the dem's in november




  1. It's the other way around, African Americans have already written her off simply because there is an African American running against her. Sadly, it doesn't seem to matter the African American candidate is wholly unqualified, the simple fact that he is the right color is enough, this is affirmative action in action.

  2. we don't take it personal....we know Hillary and Bill will do and say anything to win...that's part of being a politician   and for the young lady or man "O'really" who suggested that blacks in America don't have an impact in our politics...definitely needs more education blacks and Hispanics have impacted each and every election since gaining voting rights..even people like Strum Thurman was forced to change his racist ways and seek out the black vote

  3. When i heard the soundbite on the radio i couldnt believe my ears. If hillary thinks she can cover-up racial overtones by saying white collarworkers (or white people instead ofblacks) will give her more votes, how stupid does she think blacks are not to see thru that parady of deception.Blacks did put billyboy in office and she should thanful of that!. Either way you look at it she is still undergrounding the race card,and when all is said and done she will pay for it in the end.

  4. i don't think that 13% of the population can get anyone into the oval office but what hillary said is definitaly a change of course for her

  5. She should because she's not going to get it and neither is McCain.  Barry has the black vote sewed up and they better start concentrating on the largest minority in America, the Hispanic vote.

  6. Not only did they give him the presidency twice but most of them also looked the other way when he got into that trouble with monica you know who ,most white people felt the was a  damm disgrace to the country and did all the could to impeach his *** ,further more after the way he has been behaving lately it makes me damm glad that they've lost the African American votes because any body that forgets where they came from or who has helped the deserves what ever they gets I don't feel sorry for neither of them.

  7. nope

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