
Is Hillary History now because of her IMMIGRATION stance?

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She wants a policy that will "unite families"




  1. Giuliani favored illegals too when he was Mayor so  I guess your Hillary rant is moot now.  If it comes down to Hillary and Giuliani then any support for Giuliani shows you are such a hypocrite.

  2. Hillary will have to make an incredible blunder in order to fail to become the dem nominee. The MSM has already agreed upon her coronation and it will protect and cheer her right on through the process!

  3. She is as far as I'm concerned...speaking of which...Ron Paul is an excellent choice in the 2008 presidential race; he is not only for tighter border security, but he is also for withdrawing from NAFTA ( fair trade agreement )

  4. She ought to go to Mexico and eat beans until she explodes.

    I hate that woman.

    Ooooohh, I get so mad.

    She wants the immigrants to have their families united... I'd like to unite them on the ends of ropes.

    I'm glad President Bush has made his own position clear...

    I mean, he has, hasn't he?

  5. I think she is a good woman for president of US.

  6. she was done way before that. the only reason youre ever led to believe her or barack obama are worthy candidates are because the liberal media wants you to. so you think 'hey everyone else thinks these guys are good. maybe i should too." but heres the reality of this country. bill clinton was the only democrat voted into office within the past 40+ years. then what happened right after him? bush. 2004 rolls around and eeeeveryone thought kerry had it in the bag. but bush won again. by a lot. there may be liberals who run the tv and radio, but guess what, they arent outnumbered by everyone else in the country who wants a candidate with some sort of moral standpoint. i dont care what anyone says, liberals have no causes they really believe in except the ones everyone else wants. thats why they all change their minds so much. all politicians are liars and thieves and more corrupt than words can say, but id atleast like someone who has somethin to believe in.

  7. Her stance on immigration has a different goal, certainly, but it's a goal that the American people can identify with. While congress decides how tall their imaginery wall should be, Hillary is hitting a chord with the people. She might meet a political policy nemesis soon, but I don't think immigration is it.

  8. lets hope so!

  9. It didn't help but I doubt she had a chance anyway. There will be a female President someday but it won't be her

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