
Is Hillary a glutton for punishment or is she trying to cripple Obama or is she just sick in the head?

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That woman is either spiteful or stupid. Do you agree? What do you think is wrong with her?




  1. Yes,Yes and Yes. She is a politician thought and thought. She will use this time to help her be Obama's VP or get ready for 2012. When one is power mad, one will do anything to get it. No matter if you stab the people on your team in the back or not.

  2. I think she is a very wicked person.

  3. She just happens to love America and doesn't want to see

    the Obama/Farrakhan/Wright ticket doom us to another 4 yrs of GOP

    on the other hand,

    the people she fought so hard to defend and protect and garner equality for, for over 30 yrs, have shown their true colors and ditched her BECAUSE a "brother" is running !!!

    regardless of how irresponsible and inexperienced he is, he is black and thats all that matters to the black population.

    Do we have to pray God d**n America if Obama wins?

  4. Its all about the money - more donations to pay herself back that $6 million she "invested".

  5. OK what exactly in her campaign gives an impression she'll do a better job. Lying, cheating, deceit, stabbing your own party in the back, herself before party ........

    A person unable to figure out it's time to quit is no suitable to run the country. Witch should've quit long time ago.

  6. Sick in the head seems plausible. She has a lust for power that is truly pathological.

  7. I believe it's a little bit of both. she sees the writing on the wall and I would not put it past her to go into the convention with the full intent of splitting the party in half, two camps one for Barack and one for Hilary. That said, the new Clintonian party will challenge all super delegates to come and join or die in a fearmongoring campaign a la Karl Rove to scare the little bunnies to run for cover under her wing. She'll get the health care and help all the under privileged, uh huh, this coming from a woman on the Board of WAL MART of all places, supporters of child slave labor overseas like India and the Honduras where they work for pennies to produce the $ 8.00 shirts that we all love so much. Can you smell the hypocrisy here?? Do as I say, not as I do, I know the way, follow me!! People are tired of being lied to and they can smell the bullshit now after being force fed a major load of it for some eight years now. It all is a boon for McCain who can just sit back and do nothing while the Democrats destroy their party and themselves in the process. Never has the notion, divide and conquer held more weight than it does right now. She will not pull out no matter what happens. she craves the power and will do anything to keep it, be it pandering for gas taxes to be lifted, corporate welfare, or bashing he opponent needlessly. This woman was completely for gun control and went full tilt after the gun lobbyists after Columbine, only after getting severely spanked by the gun lobby did she back off. Notice she did not mention anything after Obama's "clinging to guns and religion" statement. She knew better because she would have been checked on her own calling for more gun control back in '99. I cannot believe people do not see her for what she truly is, a fake, conniving, hypocritical liar who will do whatever she can to win.

  8. Why is it you Obamaniacs cannot understand the United States Constitution gives Sen. Clinton the right to run for President of the United States and upward of 25 million people in this nation want her to be President;

    I would turn this question around and ask:  WHY IS OBAMA SO AFRAID OF HAVING FLORIDA AND MICHIGAN VOTERS tell him who THEY want for President of the United States.  Is he so weak sister that he can't stand the Truth.

  9. it's all about Hillary Clinton it have always been about Hillary Clinton i don't know why some voters  would want her as president

  10. I'm an Obama supporter but I like to give her the benefit of a doubt, maybe she really believes she can do a better job.  This is how it should be, that it's not over until every voice has a chance to speak and be heard.

  11. None of the above.........

    If they both would get together, single ticket....there would be nothing left to say....

    it would indeed be another Democratic Win

    Its ODD THEY haven't done more on this tip themselves...but then again, who's name goes first on the label??

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