
Is Hillary a loon?

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Has this campaign driven her crazy or have we given her too much pressure to deal with? What's going on with the poor thing? I never supported her, but I could never know how much pressure she's under from everyone.




  1. i want to throw a rock at her

  2. if she is chasing obama around wearing pillow case then yes

  3. What do you mean?  She seems intelligent and articulate to me after all those grueling hours of campaigning.  She's a human being like any other.

  4. This crying thing is like Howard Deans scream - it's a game changer for her from which she won't recover.

  5. it's just the pressure but maybe a little

  6. Now, her sarcastic laugh is gone, it is tears this time, girl get a hold of yourself, am sure osama will have a feast if you get elected

  7. She knows what she is doing.  She (and her husband as well) is a very good manipulator.  Don't fall for it.

  8. well, being chauffeured around the country and talking to people is hard work for a privileged millionaire - I'm sure once she running the country and managing world affairs things won't be so stressful!

  9. No loons are cool.

  10. She just isn't president material - this country may be ready for a female president and maybe an african american president but both of these candidates (soon to be candidates) are just not ready for the job yet

  11. No! She's a liberal... that's far worse.

  12. When she got all made me giggle!!  This is the end of the road for Hillary. Hooray!!

  13. a loon, a thief, a crook, a lier, a self-centered power hungry idiot ... yeah, all of the above.

  14. No, a loon is a bird !

  15. No, not a loon.

  16. She is a very cold calculating politician. Her tears and policies are false.

  17. Yes.

  18. She was nuts before! Now she is in mourning because her cocky *** isn't winning like she expected she would.

  19. ugh, don't call her poor thing. i hope you're not referring to her "break down" today in new hampshire: that was clearly an act! she's becoming a disgrace for the whole "woman running for president" ideal -- she's proving to be catty and fake, and willing to act like a big baby in order to get sympathy instead of standing behind her issues for support.

    good riddance.

  20. shes ana sshole

  21. just an act that backfired on her

  22. She's the next bush........

  23. Don't poke fun at loons! they are a pretty bird!
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