
Is Hillary a typical feminist?

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She complains she's a victim of sexism from men but still expects a man to pay her debts?




  1. Don't forget she is UGLY.

  2. Well I believe that she thinks Bill owes her... And you know, she probably thinks all men "owe" her since she's a "victim of sexism." Isn't that the prevailing thinking among liberals? That rich people "owe" everyone who isn't rich because they must have made their riches on the  backs of the people who are lower on the ladder of society than they? So, not a big leap to men "owe" her fiscally since she's a victim.

  3. And her job as a senator could not have happened even her husband hadn't cleared the way.

    That Hillary was a candidate for the presidency was an embarassment to all women.

  4. BOOO!!!! Hillary sucks!!!

  5. If you mean a loser, then yes.


    Is Hillary seriously asking for Obama to pay her debts. Lol if thats true, oh my goodness.

  6. I heard she was the Al Sharpton of white people. (That wasn't me stating that.) Nonetheless, I do feel she wants to experience equality as feminist, but when she does she cries foul and will ask a man to lay his coat over a puddle of mud and water so she will not get her feet or shoes wet.

    Case and point...Obama being ahead in the electoral votes, delegates and superdelegates at one point and Hillary keeps going to prove a pointless point and slinging mud at Obama until she runs herself into a 32 million dollar debt in which 11 million of it was personal loans. Now she is looking to Obama to pay off her presidential campaign loans. All the women were claiming Obama was playing unfair. How....I don't know. All I know is that if you're going to play baseball, there is no crying in baseball....Hillary. (example in which she went to New York crying after Obama won Iowa.)

  7. Yeah, it's that feminist entitlement mentality. One minute men are the devil, the next we're supposed to pay up because we're the devil.

  8. She didn't "expect" anything. He offered. And you can't say that sexism has been completely absent from the coverage of her.

  9. There is no typical feminist-so no-Hillary is not a typical feminist. Next complaint?

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