
Is Hillary any worse than the others? Serious Answers Only!?

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Its no fair really to dislike her if you don't know much about her politics. Hillary has worked hard for along time to make things better in America. What has she done that is so much worse than the others to deserve the comments and hatred she recieves? No stupid answers please. only serious ones




  1. I don't particularly like her, I'd rather see Obama run for the democrats.  

    But no I don't think she's any worse than the other politicians out there in general.  Whatever that's worth. She's probably even better than a lot of them.

  2. No, I don't think she's any better or worse than the others.  I think most people you talk to about politics will say that they like or dislike a person's views based on only one example.  For instance, long ago when Dan Quayle misspelled the word potato, everyone freaked out because of that.  People all over the country suddenly thought of him as stupid because of one tiny misspelling.  He wasn't and isn't stupid but he's been branded as that because of one word.  No, she isn't worse or better than the others.  She just has different views.  My problem with the whole campaign thing is figuring out which Democrat to support.  So far, it's Obama.  I've heard a lot of rhetoric about him too.  A lot of people here in Wyoming aren't going to vote for him because his name rhymes with Osama.  Crazy and idiotic, I know, but many don't put forth much effort to really get to know all the candidates so that they may reach a logical solution.  I asked a couple of political questions in here just to get a reaction and it really pissed a lot of people off.

  3. The more I learn about her, the less I like her.

    She has made anti-semitic comments about her staffers.

    She is incapable of taking solid positions during (the democratic) debates.

    She is dishonest and deceptive.

  4. Yes, really.

  5. She has worked for "along" time?  Really?  Besides Obama, she has almost NO experience. And with the little times she's been in, she has accomplished absolutely nothing. I don't know where you get this idea that shes done so much for America.

  6. I'm thinking that when you were a kid and trying to sell cool aid you didn't do to well. That explains your support for for Hillary, she does not want you to be successful she wants you to be dependent on her and the government. This way you don't have to work because she will pay you to sit on your *** because she and the rest of the Libs will see to it that my tax dollars  pay your rent.

    Don't get me started!

  7. Any woman in power position is going to have to take alot more flack than the others, as would those of other-than-white background, and those of other-than-Catholic/Christian conformity...they upset the "rule of thumb", and incite the oh so scary process of Chaaange.  And although the masses rant about the need for changes, their great fear of such makes them repeat the same things over & over again...progress being ever elusive.

    Hillary has opened many doorways along her path...she is part & parcel in reestablishing balance in our systems of being here...Obama has done the same...and unless one of the other candidates is a business genius, they are simply part of "the repeat choices".

    Too bad, these two don't cooperate into a dual presidency with Bill Gates as that would rock some socks, wouldn't it??? This country would take such a leap, all the couch potatoes would be left in the dust!!! LOL

  8. It would be impossible for her to be worse than any Republican. Unless of course you like men who have s*x with each other in airport bathrooms.

  9. Yes she is worse than some of the others because what she thinks is right for America is a welfare state and history has shown us time and time again that welfare states just do not work. Does she deserve some of the harshness of the attacks directed at her arguably not but that is the price one pays for being in the race for the nation's highest office.

    The problem is when you make a statement like she has worked hard for a long time to make things better is really one sided. I see a lot of her policies as socialist policies and so I do not see them as making things better but making problems worse.

  10. The republicans are taught to hate her along with being taught the terrorist will kill us all in our beds [even though bush has done nothing to make the borders safe] if they do not do want this administration says.

    Bush has a IQ of room temperature, but Hilliary is a Rhodes Scholar. Bush used cocaine and is a alcoholic, she is not. Bush is unable to speak to Leaders of the world, she can and make sense.

  11. Hillary has made a great leap in my opinion from her akward start in her campaign.  My opinion drastically changed during their Las Vegas debate.  She was attacked by Obama, John Edwards and the rest but she was able to stand on her ground and hit them all without making a plinch.  She was able to show firmness in her stand on issues that were asked which is way better than Obama who only wants to be on the safe side of the issues.  I say, she is far better than any of them, so far....  Again, we cannot just make any  concrete judgement by only one debate.  But fitted against a republican candidate, this is still remains to be seen.

  12. You need to take a look at her record in office; it does not support your comments and it does not show her as the "best qualified" candidate as she claims. I think she is phony, manipulative, and lacks the personal morals and integrity to be our president. She publicly criticized a federal employee who was only doing his job, she was caught accepting contributions from a known criminal that was being sought by the FBI, she is taking contributions from felons Bill exonerated in his last days as president, and she is taking contributions from special interest groups. She says she has the best experience to be president but that experience has had little if any nation wide benefit. She talks about bills she has introduced but few have ever been passed. The ones passed are the kind that has no meaning to it but politicians vote yes on just to get it out of the way; generally considered soft bills. Hillary lacks the support of most democrats and republicans so she may have had to work hard to get even the soft bills through that she has! She claims experience because she has been in office for 7 years and around the White House for 8 years (a felon with the experience of twenty years in prison does not qualify to be warden); she has been pushing her health care plan for 15 years and can not get enough democrats and republicans to support it. She supports giving amnesty to illegal aliens and she waffles on almost every issue. She voted for the war in Iraq without even reading the intelligence reports (by her own admission); how could any responsible person vote on such an important issue without even studying the problem? She says she has a lot of good ideas but they will all cost the tax payers resulting in additional taxes!  Is she any worse than the others? They all pat themselves on the back and stretch their qualifications but most do have far more political and leadership experience than Hillary. If Hillary becomes the democratic candidate I will vote republican unless Giuliani is their candidate then I will not vote for either one! It is not a matter of hating her but a matter of loving America and wanting to see the right person as our president!

  13. You say she has "worked hard" along time?

    Just for you, I am posting what she has "accomplished" in her time in the Senate

    In five years as the most influential Democrat in the Senate, Hillary has managed to get the following laws and resolutions enacted:

    • Establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site

    • Support the goals and ideals of Better Hearing and Speech Month

    • Recognize the Ellis Island Medal of Honor

    • Name courthouse after Thurgood Marshall

    • Name courthouse after James L. Watson

    • Name post office after John A. O'Shea

    • Designate August 7, 2003, as National Purple Heart Recognition Day

    • Support the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day

    • Honor the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton on the bicentennial of his death

    • Congratulate the Syracuse University Orange Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the championship.

    • Congratulate the Le Moyne College Dolphins Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the championship

    • Establish the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative Program

    • Name post office after Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda

    • Honor Shirley Chisholm for her service to the nation and express condolences on her death

    • Honor John J. Downing, Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford, firefighters who lost their lives on duty.

    • Extend period of unemployment assistance to victims of 9/11

    • Pay for city projects in response to 9/11

    • Assist landmine victims in other countries

    • Assist family caregivers in accessing affordable respite care

    • Designate part of the National Forest System in Puerto Rico as protected in the Wilderness Preservation System

    And this from another Post:

    NEW YORK -- The yellow-billed oxpecker stands atop the mighty

    rhinoceros, gobbling ticks and chirping loudly when danger looms.

    This tiny bird would make a perfect mascot for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid. Akin to that creature, the New York

    Democrat leaves tiny footprints and has spent more than three

    decades riding aboard her outsized, accomplished husband,

    William Jefferson Clinton.

    And, like the oxpecker, Hillary Clinton is remarkably unprepared for

    the presidency. Beyond helping to secure post-9/11 recovery funds for Gotham, her legislative achievements are rather slight. Lighter

    yet is her executive experience, which is measurable in grams.

    While Clinton has been an outspoken liberal activist since the

    1960s, she never has run a business, a city, a state or a Cabinet

    department. She was a partner at Little Rock's Rose Law Firm, but did not administer it. Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families

    aside, she headed none of the nonprofits whose boards her Web site says she joined.

    While she conducted President Clinton's health-reform task force in

    1993, the plan it concocted in secret collapsed in public. This 1,368-

    page prescription for government medicine quietly vanished,

    sparing a Democratic Congress the embarrassment of euthanizing


    Since her 2000 election, Clinton never has chaired a Senate

    committee. However, she does lead the Senate Superfund and

    Environmental Health Subcommittee. As its Web site explains, the

    panel oversees "recycling, federal facilities and interstate waste."

    Clinton has presided over something. She commanded the

    Wellesley College Republicans in 1965, and then became student-

    government president.

    Despite repeated requests, Clinton's campaign did not identify the executive experiences that supposedly merit her presidency.

    "worked hard" indeed!

    *Edit, to Joyce, are you really that ignorant?  Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, not Shrillary

  14. Hillary is unpopular because the pundits need to attack the likely democratic candidate.  Unless Hillary has a threesome with d**k Cheney and Lindsay Lohan, she is going to be that candidate.  

    The worst thing she has done in my eyes was to vote to give the president the power to wage war.  A mistake that many in congress are choking on right now.  

    Can't wait until these jerks start calling her Madam President.

  15. Serious answers only?

    Oh really?

  16. Hillary Clinton has the intelligence and esperience as a Senator and former First Lady in order to be a good President.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

  17. If Hillary was a man HE would not be getting the publicity. Her qualification for office, in spite of her claims, is almost the worst in the bunch. She has been in office for almost two terms and spent eight years as the first lady. In spite of this she has very little real success to show for the time. She has ridden the tide spending more time selling herself than in doing her job. She has been linked to more illegal and unethical activities than any of the other candidates, republican or democratic (except maybe Giuliani). She is worse than the others; she started her campaign out stating she wants to be the first lady president; not the motivator the American people should be considering. The experience she claims includes being in office when our country lost its credibility and she did nothing to prevent it. She has a habit of jumping from side-to-side and saying what best fits the audience around her. She lacks the personal values and integrity to be President.

  18. By quite a bit.

  19. yes.

    "Hillary has worked hard for along time to make things better in America"

    How so?

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