
Is Hillary bitter because it's over?

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Is Hillary bitter because it's over?




  1. No, Hillary is just bitter!

  2. Why do u say its over there are 216 more delegates at stake in the final 6 Primaries. Most of those states are white and she has won almost every Predominately white states Primary.

    That would put her ahead of Obama .

    Puerto Rico maybe the one to decide the Dem. Nominee

  3. Hillary is bitter because she is realizing that this is the 1st time in history where a black man can beat a white woman & not end up in jail.

    On a serious note...  She's bitter because she's convinced that she's the perfect candidate for president & the majority of the delegates aren't agreeing with her.

  4. Naw...She's just bitter because Bill is off with another secretary and there's a wrinkle in her favorite pant-suit.


  5. It's not over. She'll end up winning.

  6. well it's not over yet but she's been a lot more than bitter from the start, I think if she had been a nicer person to begin with she would have gotten a lot further than she did

  7. She's bitter because she is losing to a black guy.  I know I would be bitter if that were me.

  8. I think she is just hoping for the hopeless...It's time to let go Hillary, she is not winning the battle she won't win the war. She obviously couldn't let go of Bill when he had an affair on her..I think it is pretty much the same in other aspects of her life..

  9. yes

    i love it

  10. She is in disbelief over the loss.  She can not figure it out.  Now imagine that in the White House.

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