
Is Hillary( mrs. clinton ) a socialist ?

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Is Hillary( mrs. clinton ) a socialist ?




  1. Hillary Clinton like any other Democrat is being associated with socialism by the Republicans especially in these time of the year when campaign is ready to take off.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary Clinton will likely win.


  3. Judging her stances on issues....... yes.

    But some Americans want to live in a socialist country, so she has a chance.

  4. Yes her and the entire democratic party.  Why should I have to work, so I can be taxed, so people who don't want to work can get free money and health care.  I'm in college, I work part time at Wal-Mart and pay $70 a month for health care.  Now tell me why other people can't do that??

  5. Hillary is a member of the Bliderberg Group.

  6. Of course not.

    She's just another neolib. She's out to strengthen the government, enrich big business, and s***w the workers over, like every other politician.

    Statism doesn't mean socialism!

  7. Oh My YES

  8. Yes. Proof is her proposal for so-called universal health care that she's trying so desperately to disown as her invention. Purely socialist in structure and scope.

  9. Socialism is when the government controls the means of distribution.

    For example, giving no-bid, no compete contracts to Halliburton is the VERY definition of Socialism.

    Subsidizing the pharmaceutical and the oil industry with taxpayer funds during times of record profits is Socialism.

    The fact of the matter is that George W. Bush, who has outspent the other 42 presidents COMBINED, is the closest to a Socialist we've seen since Richard Nixon imposed price controls.

    But when have the facts ever mattered to the unthinking Limbaugh Dittoheads?

  10. if you are not sure,just listen to her takes about 3 words before she starts ranting about taking money and giving it away thru gov programs...yep..shes got the bug alright

  11. 100%, and she is dangerous for America.

  12. If the shoe fits.....

    A socialized health care plan, More government involvement in schools, Higher taxes for higher incomes, more free benefits for lower incomes

    It sounds like socialism to me

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