
Is Hillary "Billary" Clinton Weak.......?

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Every time Clinton is put in the hot seat on hot topics, she starts to wine and hold back tears to get the Americans behind her. My issue this is….. if she is acting like this now, what will happen if she is put in the white house?

It's 2008 and anything can happen now. What happens if everything goes crazy like in 2001? Will she be able to hold her self up, and lead our Country?

I think Condoleezza Rice could do a better job then Sen. Clinton can. I remember once Sec. Rice was being drilled about the war by Congress, and she remained cool, and didn’t get “emotional”. If Sen. Clinton can’t go every few weeks without breaking down, or coming close to it during these primaries, what will happen if she's in the white house?

I can't stand President Bush, but at least he can step up when things go wrong and do something. I believe Sen. Clinton is great at politics, but could not handle being President, because she can’t handle her "emotions".

Your opinion

"Yes We Can!"




  1. yes she whines all the time, but she should know the saying:

    "You shall serve no WHINE before its time."

    What was her excuse last night--going ZERO for FOUR ? She looked old, tired, and beaten. She should step aside and not rip the Dem party apart by fighting all the way to the convention. Let Obama be Obama. There is always 2012...look at McCain--he will be the OLDEST President when he takes office on Jan 20, 2009.

  2. no, obama is weaker

  3. If showing emotion is a weakness then the character and resolve of numerous President's would come into play.  In my life time alone I have seen 4 different President's shed tears, so no that alone does not make her weak.  With respects to the comments regarding Bush I would have to disagree 100%.  On 09-11 after being informed about the Towers he sat in that classroom for 30 minutes and during Katrina it took the government one week to step in and assist all those helpless individuals, so if in fact he did act it was too little, too late!

  4. If you keep asking prejudiced questions like this, you will contribute to the weakening of Hillary!

    Hillary and William Clinton together are smarter than all of the Republicommunist mafia cult leaders combined!  That is why the impeachment failed!  Now why don't you stick to facts to ask your question?

    (NOTE: impeachment is the REMOVAL of an officer from office, the impeachment TRIAL precedes impeachment!  However, even before William Clinton's impeachment TRIAL, the Congressional Legal Council -- they serve both houses of Congress -- informed Congress that William Clinton had done nothing in violation of federal laws and so no verdict of guilty could withstand a legal challenge!  WILLIAM CLILNTON WAS NEVER IMPEACHED!  It's all recorded in history, check your newspaper archives.  AND WHILE YOU'RE IN THE ARCHIVES - - CHECK OUT THE FACT THAT THE DUMB-O-CRATS STOPPED THE REPUBLICANS IN THEIR ATTEMPTED IMPEACHMENT TRIAL OF GEORGE H.W. BUSH, BECAUSE THE CONGRESSIONAL LEGAL COUNCIL SAID THAT IF BUSH WERE CONVICTED, HE WOULD SERVE 40 YEARS IN PRISON!!!!  Again, it's all in the archives.)

  5. Hilary is tough as nails...dont let those tears fool you.

    I would not be surprised if that was staged.  You forget she and BIll went under HUGE investigation over criminal property deals with Whitewater, and $$$ election donations dealings another time from Peter Paul, and may more....

    She never blincked.

    Condi is tough too.  and smart. stupid, can't even speak a sentence correctly, has no idea what is going on, he is a puppet for Cheney.  He couldn't even tell you names of countries, their leaders, whats up or down, or what he read yesterday...and we the people put him in charge!

    Obama 08


  6. Hill is not weak.  Rice is weak minded.  She is an economist, and had no experience in government when Bush picked her for his Token Black.  She has learned nothing new-except how to lie unconvincingly-in the years she has spent in government.  Hill handles her emotions fine...turning them on when that helps, and turning them off when that helps.  It's too bad that Bush can't do the same with his stupidity.  Getting emotional bought Hill millions of womens' votes...which would have cost billions of dollars to get by standard advertising methods, and Hill got it for free by getting emotional on camera in a news event.  That is smart...which is a refreshing change from Bush stupidity.

  7. I think she is weak and she proved she is emotional too when she was blubbering and wiping away tears. How will this work when there is a major catastrophe? She will be on TV crying? Besides I don't want to listen to her blaming Bush for the next 4 years....and having Bill shooting his mouth off all over the world promising things to other countries. She can't control him now, what will it be like then?

  8. My answer to all these questions is "Hillary --- Look in the mirror and you can see the mirror looking back at you....and would clearly say that you are crazy" . After eating money from lobbyists, you cannot argue that you are going to Reform America... After voting for WAR, you cannot say that you are going to stop WAR. When will you stop being a PENDULUM (Swinging both ways). Our clear choice should be for MIKE HUCKABEE.... GO HUCKABEE... WE LOVE AMERICA so WE LOVE YOU.

  9. Although I am planning to vote Obama and I don't much care for Hillary, I would never say that woman is weak.  She's tough as nails and I think she's one of the least emotional female public figures I've ever seen.  

    I believe that she has tried to share her emotional side with the country during this campaign because she needed to soften her image a little bit.  

    It's not like men do not have emotion to deal with as well, they get flustered and upset but they are not expected to show it.  In Hillary's situation she's expected to exhibit feminine qualities yet showcase her leadership ability.   I think its a tough place to be  but she's handling it well.

  10. Hello Sir

    Yes she is,She is a weak little pig who hides behind Bill

    Thank you and God Bless

    Larack Obama

  11. Her name is not "billary" and anybody who has nothing better to say than to call childish names is not worth my attention.

  12. John Mcain appears  to be a  bad choice for anyone and approbation should be reserved for his stance on Abortion which Bush approved of. Bush said John Mcain was a true Republican. The stance of Hillary on Solar Power and The Environment has not been heard. Were there something to criticise her on if  Her approach is not good then this would be a place to start. Think Solar Power combined with help for Society would be a good thing to get  as a campaign issue. You might get it if you ask her for it.

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